pt. 1. Evolution, ecology and conservation. 1. Evolution, missing links and climate change : recent advances in understanding transformational macroevolution / John Long ; 2. Evolutionary perspectives in conservation genetics / Kamal M. Ibrahim and Roberta Torunsky -- pt. 2. Evolution and food production. 3. Evolution in agriculture / Stephen Wratten, Mark Gillespie and Aldo Poiani ; 4. The evolutionary ecology of pollination and the functional biology of agricultural plants / Martin Burd, Angelica Martínez Bauer and Mani R. Shrestha ; 5. The dawn of Darwinian fishery management / Mikko Heino, Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp and Ulf Dieckmann -- pt. 3. Evolution and medicine. 6. Evolution : a basic science for medicine / Randolph M. Nesse ; 7. Evolutionary insights for immunological interventions / Paul W. Ewald and Holly A. Swain Ewald ; 8. Neuroevolution and neurodegeneration : two sides of the same coin? / Jonathan Foster, Peter Boord and Michael A. Smith ; 9. Evolution, music and neurotherapy / Alan R. Harvey -- pt. 4. Evolution and psychology. 10. Antecedents of teenage pregnancy : using an evolutionary perspective in the search for mechanisms / David A. Coall, Thomas E. Dickins and Daniel Nettle ; 11. Flourishing, feelings, and fitness : an evolutionary perspective on health capability / James S. Chisholm -- pt. 5. Evolution and computing. 12. Natural computation : evolving solutions to complex problems / David Geoffrey Green ; 13. Harnessing the swarm : technological applications of collective intelligence / Suzanne Sadedin and Edgar A. Duéñez-Guzmán -- pt. 6. Evolution and society. 14. Evolutionary arguments against the de facto re-pathologising of homosexuality / Aldo Poiani ; 15. Teaching evolution and the nature of science / Douglas J. Futuyma ; 16. Evolutionary ideologies / Jonathan Marks ; 17. Can Darwinism offer existential reassurance at times of personal or social crisis? / Michael Ruse
Text of Note
"Of what use is evolutionary science to society? Can evolutionary thinking provide us with the tools to better understand and even make positive changes to the world? Addressing key questions about the development of evolutionary thinking, this book explores the interaction between evolutionary theory and its practical applications. Featuring contributions from leading specialists, Pragmatic Evolution highlights the diverse and interdisciplinary applications of evolutionary thinking: their potential and limitations. The fields covered range from palaeontology, genetics, ecology, agriculture, fisheries, medicine, neurobiology, psychology and animal behaviour; to information technology, education, anthropology and philosophy. Detailed examples of useful and current evolutionary applications are provided throughout. An ideal source of information to promote a better understanding of contemporary evolutionary science and its applications, this book also encourages the continued development of new opportunities for constructive evolutionary applications across a range of fields"--