1. Introduction / Joel B. Green and Lee Martin McDonald -- 2. New Testament chronology / Lee Martin McDonald -- PART 1. SETTING THE CONTEXT: EXILE AND THE JEWISH HERITAGE -- 3. Exile / Nicholas Perrin -- 4. The Hasmoneans and the Hasmonean era / Larry R. Helyer -- 5. The Herodian dynasty / Everett Ferguson -- 6. Monotheism / Nathan MacDonald -- 7. The scriptures and scriptural interpretation / Lidija Novakovic -- PART 2. SETTING THE CONTEXT: ROMAN HELLENISM -- 8. Greek religion / Moyer V. Hubbard -- 9. The imperial cult / Nicholas Perrin -- 10. Greco-Roman philosophical schools / John T. Fitzgerald -- 11. Civic and voluntary associations in the Greco-Roman world / Michael S. Moore -- 12. Economics, taxes, and tithes / David J. Downs -- 13. Slaves and slavery in the Roman world / S. Scott Bartchy -- 14. Women, children, and families in the Greco-Roman world / Lynn H. Cohick -- 15. Education in the Greco-Roman world / Ben Witherington III -- PART 3. THE JEWISH PEOPLE IN THE CONTEXT OF ROMAN HELLENISM -- 16. Temple and priesthood / David Instone-Brewer -- 17. Jews and Samaritans / Lidija Novakovic -- 18. Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes / Michelle Lee-Barnewall -- 19. The Dead Sea Scrolls / C.D. Elledge -- 20. Prophetic movements and zealots / James D.G. Dunn -- 21. Apocalypticism / Larry R. Helyer -- 22. Synagogue and Sanhedrin / Kenneth D. Litwak -- 23. Jews in the diaspora / David A. DeSilva -- 24. Noncanonical Jewish writings / Daniel M. Gurtner -- 25. Jewish identity, beliefs, and practices / Archie T. Wright -- 26. Jewish education / Kent L. Yinger -- 27. Healing and healthcare / Joel B. Green -- PART 4. THE LITERARY CONTEXT OF EARLY CHRISTIANITY -- 28. Reading, writing and manuscripts / E. Randolph Richards -- 29. Pseudonymous writings and the New Testament / Lee Martin McDonald -- 30. Literary forms in the New Testament / Thomas E. Phillips -- 31. Homer and the New Testament / Thomas E. Phillips -- 32. Josephus and the New Testament / Michael F. Bird -- 33. Philo and the New Testament / Torrey Seland -- 34. Rabbinic literature and the New Testament / Bruce Chilton -- 35. Early noncanonical Christian writings / Nicholas Perrin -- PART 5. THE GEOGRAPHICAL CONTEXT OF THE NEW TESTAMENT -- 36. Jesus research and archaeology / James H. Charlesworth -- 37. Egypt / John D. Wineland -- 38. Palestine / Thomas R. Hatina -- 39. Syria, Cilicia, and Cyprus / Mark Wilson -- 40. The province and cities of Asia / Paul Trebilco -- 41. Galatia / Mark Wilson -- 42. Macedonia / Gene L. Green -- 43. Achaia / Gene L. Green -- 44. Rome and its provinces / Thomas R. Hatina -- Money in the New Testament era / Lee Martin McDonald -- Measurements in the New Testament era / Lee Martin McDonald -- Glossary / Joel B. Green and Lee Martin McDonald
Text of Note
"A team of distinguished specialists introduces the Jewish, Hellenistic, and Roman backgrounds necessary for understanding the New Testament and the early church"--Publisher's summary
Bible., New Testament-- Criticism, interpretation, etc
Bible., New Testament-- History of Biblical events
Church history-- Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600
Civilization, Greco-Roman-- Social aspects
Jews-- History-- 586 B.C.-70 A.D
Jews-- Palestine-- Social life and customs-- To 70 A.D