General Principles of Laboratory Testing and Diagnosis. Laboratory technology for veterinary medicine / Glade Weiser ; Sample collection, processing, and analysis of laboratory service options / Glade Weiser ; Perspectives in laboratory data interpretation and disease diagnosis / Glade Weiser and Robin W. Allison ; Immunodiagnostics: current use and future trends in veterinary medicine / Wayne A. Jensen. -- Hermatology of Common Domestic Species. Erythrocyte morphology / Mary Anna Thrall ; Classification of and diagnostic approach to anemia / Mary Anna Thrall ; Nonregenerative anemia / Mary Anna Thrall ; Regenerative anemia / Mary Anna Thrall ; Classification of and diagnostic approach to polycythemia / Mary Anna Thrall ; Introduction to leukocytes and the leukogram / Glade Weiser ; Neutrophil production, trafficking, and kinetics / Glade Weiser ; Interpretation of leukocyte responses in disease / Glade Weiser ; Moleduclar diagnostics of hematologic malignancies / Anne Avery ; Laboratory evaluation of bone marrow / Mary Anna Thrall and Glade Weiser ; Lymphogroliferative disorders and myeloid neoplasms / Mary Anna Thrall ; Diagnosis of disorders of hemostasis / Dale C. Baker ; Principles of blood transfusion and crossmatching / Diane Brown and Linda M. Vap -- Hematology of Common Nondomestic Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, and Amphibians. Mammalian hematology: laboratory animals and miscellaneous species / Terry W. Campbell ; Hematology of birds / Terry W. Campbell ; Hematology of repitles / Terry W. Campbell ; Hematology of fish / Terry W. Campbell ; Hematology of amphibians / Terry W. Campbell. -- Clinical chemistry of Common Domestic Species. Laboratory evaluation and interpretation of the urinary system / Donald Meuten ; Laboratory evaluation of electrolytes / Andrea A. Bohn ; Laboratory evaluation of acid-base disorders / Glade Weiser ; Laboratory evaluation of the liver / Robin W. Allison ; Laboratory evaluation of the pancreas and glucose metabolism / Robin W. Allison ; Laboratory evaluation of digestion and intestinal absorption / Dawn Seddon ; Laboratory evaluation of plasma and serum proteins / Robin W. Allison ; Laboratory detection of muscle Injury / Robin W. Allison ; Laboratory evaluation of lipids / M. Judith Radin ; Laboratory evaluation of the thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands / Donald Meuten ; Parathyroid glands and calcium and phosphorus metabolic pathology / Donald Meuten. -- Clinical Chemistry of Common Nondomestic Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, and Amphibians. Chemical chemistry of mammals: laboratory animals and miscellaneous species / Terry W. Campbell ; Clinical chemistry of birds / Terry W. Campbell ; Clinical chemistry of reptiles / Terry W. Campbell ; Clinical chemistry of fish and amphibians / Terry W. Campbell. -- Clinical Care Presentations
Text of Note
This reference resource on veterinary laboratory diagnostic techniques and interpretation covers both hematology and chemistry for a wide range of species, including birds, repitles, amphibians, and fish.--From publisher description