Romantic continuations, postmodern contestations or, "It's a magical world, Hobbes, ol' buddy" ... crash! / James Holt McGavran -- Romanticism and the end of childhood / Alan Richardson -- Reading children and homeopathic Romanticism: paradigm lost, revisionary gleam, or "Plus ça change, plus c'est la meme chose"? / Mitzi Myers -- Taking games seriously: Romantic irony in modern fantasy for children of all ages / Dieter Petzold -- "Infant sight": Romanticism, childhood, and postmodern poetry / Richard Flynn -- Wordsworth, lost boys, and Romantic hom(e)ophobia / James Holt McGavran --Sensational designs: the cultural work of Kate Greenaway / Anne Lundin -- The marketing of Romantic childhood: Milne, Disney, and a very popular stuffed bear / Paula T. Connolly -- The art of maternal nurture in Mary Austin's The basket woman / William J. Scheick -- Romanticism and archetypes in Ruth Nichols's Song of the pearl / Teya Rosenberg
Text of Note
"The Romantic myth of childhood as a trans-historical holy time of innocence and spirituality, uncorrupted by the adult world, has been subjected in recent years to increasingly serious interrogation. Was there ever really a time when mythic ideals were simple, pure, and uncomplicated? The contributors to this book contend - although in widely differing ways and not always approvingly - that our culture is indeed still pervaded, in this postmodern moment of the very late twentieth century, by the Romantic conception of childhood which first emerged two hundred years ago."--Jacket
Children-- Books and reading-- English-speaking countries
Children's literature, American-- History and criticism
Children's literature, English-- History and criticism