Blackwell companions to the ancient world. Literature and culture
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Part I : Literary and moral education in archaic and classical Greece -- Origins and relations to the Near East / Mark Griffith -- The earliest Greek systems of education / Mark Griffith -- Part II : Accounts of systems -- Sophistic method and practice / David Wolfsdorf -- Socrates as educator / David K. O'Connor -- Spartan education / Anton Powell -- Athens / David M. Pritchard -- Hellenistic and Roman philosophy / Gretchen Reydams-Schls -- Part III : The spread and development of Greek schooling in the Hellenistic era -- Learning to read and write / William A. Johnson -- School structures, apparatus, and materials / Raffaella Cribiore -- The Progymnasmasta and Progymnasmatic theory in imperial Greek education / Robert J. Penella -- The Ephebeia in the Hellenistic period / Nigel W. Kennell -- Corporal punishment in the ancient school / W. Martin Bloomer -- Part IV : The Roman transformation -- Etruscan and Italic literacy and the case of Rome / Daniele F. Maras -- Schools, teachers, and patrons in mid-Republican Rome / Enrica Sciarrino -- The education of the Ciceros / Susan Treggiari -- Late antiquity and the transmission of educational ideals and methods : the Greek world / Elżbieta Szabat -- Late antiquity and the transmission of educational ideals and methods : the Western empire / Ilaria L. E. Ramelli -- Part V : Theories and themes of education -- The persistence of ancient education / Robin Barrow -- The education of women in ancient Rome / Emily A. Hemelrijk -- The education of women in ancient Greece / Aleksander Wolicki -- Isocrates / James R. Muir -- Plutarch / Sophia Xenophontos -- Quintilian on education / W. Martin Bloomer -- Challenges to classical education in late antiquity : the case of Augustine of Hippo / Hildegund Müller -- Part VI : Non-literary and non-elite education -- Education in the visual arts / Jerome J. Pollitt -- Mathematics education / Nathan Sidoli -- Musical education in Greece and Rome / Stefan Hagel and Tosca Lynch -- Medicine / Herbert Bannert -- Sport and education in ancient Greece and Rome / Sarah C. Murray -- Roman legal education / Andrew M. Riggsby -- Toys and games / Leslie J. Shumka -- Slaves / Kelly L. Wrenhaven -- Masters and apprentices / Christian Laes -- Military training / Preston Bannard.