Jeffery Keith Tomberlin (Department of Entomology, Texas A & M University), M. Eric Benbow (Department of Entomology and Department of Osteopathic Medical Specialties, Michigan State University)
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xxii, 433 pages :
Other Physical Details
illustrations (come color) ;
26 cm
Series Title
Contemporary topics in entomology series
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index
Text of Note
History, accomplishments, and challenges of forensic entomology in Australasia. Introduction to Asian and Australasian chapters / James F. Wallman ; China / Wang Jiangfeng ; Malaysia / Nazni Wasi Ahmed, Lee Han Lim, Chew Wai Kian, Roziah Ali, John Jeffery, and Heo Chong Chin ; Thailand / Kabkaew L. Sukontason and Kom Sukontason ; India / Meenakshi Bharti ; Australia and New Zealand / James F. Wallman and Melanie S. Archer -- History, accomplishments, and challenges of forensic entomology in Europe. Introduction to European chapters / Martin J.R. Hall. Poland / Daria Bajerlein, Szymon Konwerski, Szymon Matuszewski, and Krzysztof Szpila ; United Kingdom / Martin J.R. Hall, Amoret P Whitaker, and Andrew J. Hart ; Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg / Luc Bourguignom, Yves Braet, Franc̦oise Hubrecht, and Sofie Vanpoucke ; Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark / Anders Londström ; France / Damien Charabidze and Emmanuel Gaudry ; Austria, Switzerland, and Germany / Jens Amendt, Daniel Cherix, and Martin Grassberger ; Italy / Simonetta Lambiase and M. Denise Gemmellaro ; Spain / Marta I. Saloña-Bordas, Concepción Magaña-Loarte, and Ana M. García-Rojo -- History, accomplishments, and challenges of forensic entomology in Africa. Africa / Martin H. Villet -- History, accomplishments, and challenges of forensic entomology in the Americas. South America / Thiago C. Moretti and Wesley A.C. Godoy ; North America / John R. Wallace, Jason H. Byrd, Hélène N. LeBlanc, and Valerie J. Cervenka -- Dimensions and frontiers of forensic entomology. Experimental design, inferential statistics, and computer modeling / Gaétan Moreau, Jean-Philippe Michaud, and Kenneth G. Schoenly ; Bayesian statistics and predictive modeling / Anders Lindström and Gunnar Andersson ; Forensic and decomposition microbiology / Tawni L. Crippen and Baneshwar Singh ; Methodologies in forensic and decomposition microbiology / Baneshwar Singh and Tawni L. Crippen ; Applications of soil chemistry in forensic entomology / Jacqueline A. Aitkenhead-Peterson, Michael B. Alexander, Joan A. Bytheway, David O. Carter, and Daniel J. Wescott ; Molecular biology in forensic entomology / Aaron M. Tarone, Baneshwar Singh, and Christine J. Picard ; Engineering and forensic entomology / Glen C. Rains, Jeffery K. Tomberlin, and Robin Fencott ; Behavioral ecology and forensic entomology / Michelle R. Sanford, Jeffery K. Tomberlin, and Sherah L. VanLaerhoven ; Community ecology / Jennifer L. Pechal and M. Eric Benbow ; Surface hydrocarbons as min-PMI indicators. Fit for purpose? / Hannah E. Moore and Falko P. Drijfhout ; Standard practices / Jens Amendt, Gail Anderson, Carlo P. Campobasso, Ian Dadour, Emmanuel Gaudry, Martin J.R. Hall, Thiago C. Moretti, Kabkaew L. Sukontason, and MArtin H. Villet ; International collaborations and training / Beryl Morris, Michelle Harvey, and Ian Dadour ; Current global trends and frontiers / Jeffery K. Tomberlin and M. Eric Benbow