Silence, gesture, revelation: the ethics and aesthetics of montage in Godard and Agamben / James S. Williams -- Passion, Agamben and the gestures of work / Libby Saxton -- Gesture, time, movement: David Claerbout meets Giorgio Agamben on the Boulevard du temple / Janet Harbord -- Film-of-life: Agamben's profanation of the image / Benjamin Noys -- Biopolitics of gesture: cinema and the neurological body / Pasi Viliaho -- Propositions for a gestural cinema: on "cine-trances" and Jean Rouch's ritual documentaries / Joso Mário Grilo -- Engaging hand to hand with the moving image: Serra, Viola and Grandrieux's radical gestures / Silvia Casini -- Counterfactual, potential, virtual: toward a philosophical cinematics / Garrett Stewart -- Montage and the dark margin of the archive / Trond Lndemo -- Remnants of Palestine, or, archaeology after Auschwitz / Henrik Gustafsson
Agamben, Giorgio,1942-Criticism and interpretation