Introduction / Evan W. Lauteria and Matthew Wysocki -- Part one: The (R)Evolution of Video Games and Sex -- Intergenerational Tensions: Of Sex and the Hardware Cycle / Rob Gallagher -- Beyond Rapelay: Self-regulation in the Japanese Erotic Video Game Industry / Jérémie Pelletier-Gagnon and Martin Picard -- Assuring Quality: Early-1990s Nintendo Censorship and the Regulation of Queer Sexuality and Gender / Evan W. Lauteria -- The Newest Significant Medium: Brown v. EMA and the twenty-first century Status of Video Game Regulation / Zach Saltz -- Explicit Sexual Content in Early Console Video Games / Dan Mills -- Part two: Video Games and Sexual (Dis)Embodiment -- The Strange Case of the Misappearance of Sex in Videogames / Tanya Krzywinska -- Let's Play Master and Servant: BDSM and Directed Freedom in Game Design / Victor Navarro-Remesal and Shaila García-Catalán -- Countergaming's Porn Parodies, Hard-core and Soft / Diana Pozo -- Casual Sex: Using Casual Sex as Currency Within Video Games / Casey Hart -- 2Embraced Eternity Lately?": Mislabeling and Subversion of Sexuality Labels through the Asari in the Mass Effect Trilogy / Summer Glassie -- Part three: Systems/Spaces of Sexual (Im)Possibilities -- Playing for Intimacy: Love, Lust, and Desire in the Pursuit of Embodied Design / Aaron Trammell and Emma Leigh Waldron -- It's Not Just the Coffee That's Hot: Modding Sexual Content in Video Games / Matthew Wysocki -- 2Death by Scissors3: Gay Fighter Supreme and the Sexuality That Isn't Sexual / Bridget Kies -- Iterative Romance and Button-Mashing Sex: Gameplay Design and Video Games' Nice Guy Syndrome / Nicholas Ware -- Climbing the Heterosexual Maze: Catherine and Queering Spatiality in Gaming / Jordan Youngblood -- Assessing Player-Connected Versus Player-Disconnected Sex Acts in Video Games / Brent Kice
Text of Note
The word sex has many implications when it is used in connection with video games. As game studies scholars have argued, games are player-driven experiences. Players must participate in processes of play to move the game forward. The addition of content that incorporates sex and/or sexuality adds complexity that other media do not share. Rated M for Mature further develops our understanding of the practices and activities of video games, specifically focusing on the intersection of games with sexual content. From the supposed scandal of 2Hot Coffee3 to the emergence of same-sex romance options in RPGs, the collection explores the concepts of sex and sexuality in the area of video games.--Publisher website