Introduction: ambiguity, ontological pluralism, and cognitive dissonance in the Hollywood puzzle film / Warren Buckland -- Narratology and systems theory. Complex narratives / Jan Simons -- Puzzled Hollywood and the return of complex films / Maria Poulaki -- Inception, the archetypal Hollywood puzzle film. Unravelling the puzzle of inception / Geoff King -- "Show, don't tell": considering the utility of diagrams as a tool for understanding complex narratives / Elliot Panek -- "Pain is in the mind": dream narrative in Inception and Shutter Island / Paolo Russo -- Modular spacetime in the "intelligent" blockbuster: Inception and Source code / Allan Cameron and Richard Misek -- Complexity and simplicity in Inception and Five dedicated to ozu / William Brown -- The science fiction Hollywood puzzle film / Philip K Dick, the mind-game film, and retroactive causality / Thomas Elsaesser -- Fourth dimensions, seventh senses: the work of mind-gaming in the age of electronic reproduction / Garrett Stewart -- Source code's video game logic / Warren Buckland -- The image of time in post-classical Hollywood: Donnie Darko and Southland tales / Bruce Isaacs -- The drama Hollywood puzzle film. Re-viewing vantage point / Paul Cobley -- The butterfly effect upon its spectator / Edward Branigan -- Solving suicide: facing the complexity of The hours / Lucy Bolton -- Knowledge and narrativity in premonition and The lake house / Gary Bettinson
Motion pictures-- Philosophy
Motion pictures-- United States-- History-- 20th century