Includes bibliographical references (p. 748-750) and index.
Text of Note
Drawing statistical conclusions -- Inference using t-distributions -- A closer look at assumptions -- Alternatives to the t-tools -- Comparisons among several samples -- Linear combinations and multiple comparisons of means -- Simple linear regression: a model for the mean -- A closer look at assumptions for simple linear regression -- Multiple regression -- Inferential tools for multiple regression -- Model checking and refinement -- Strategies for variable selection -- The analysis of variance for two-way classifications -- Multifactor studies without replication -- Adjustment for serial correlation -- Repeated measures and other multivariate responses -- Exploratory tools for summarizing multivariate responses -- Comparisons of proportions or odds -- More tools for tables of counts -- Logistic regression for binary response variables -- Logistic regression for binomial counts -- Log-linear regression for Poisson counts -- Elements of research design -- Factorial treatment arrangements and blocking designs.