Includes bibliographical references (p. 135-154) and indexes.
Text of Note
Bede's life and times : the monastery, its founders, and its library ; Bede's career and works ; Proximate dates of Bede's works ; Educational works -- On the art of poetic meter ; On figures of speech and tropes ; On orthography ; Tracts on nature and time -- The Biblical commentaries : Commentaries on the Old Testament ; On Genesis ; On the resting places of the Children of Israel ; On the Tabernacle ; On Samuel ; On the Temple ; Thirty questions on the Book of Kings ; On eight questions ; On the Song of songs ; On Isaiah 24: 22 ; On the Canticle of Habakkuk ; On Ezra and Nehemiah ; The abbreviated Psalter ; On Tobit -- Commentaries on the New Testament : On Luke ; On Mark ; On the Acts of the apostles ; On the Seven Catholic epistles ; Excerpts from Augustine on the Pauline epistles ; On the Apocalypse -- Biblical aids : On the holy places ; Gazetteers -- Homilies, hagiography, martyrology, poems, letters : Homilies ; Saints' lives ; Martyrology ; Sacred poems ; Instructional letters -- The histories : Lives of the Abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow ; The Chronicles ; The ecclesiastical history of the English people -- A brief history of Bede's works through the ages -- Works cited : Classical and medieval sources ; Secondary literature.