Customer reactions to automated teller machines (ATM)s : a field study in a UK building society / Carole B. Burgoyne ... [et al.] -- The Fax machine : a revolution in communication / Karl-Erik Wärneryd and P.G. Holmlöv -- Entrepreneurial motivation and the smaller business / Colin Gray -- The wife's employment family fit / Simon James, Bill Jordan and Marcus Redley -- A model of negotiations for the sale of a house / Gerrit Antonides
Text of Note
Economic psychology : a new sense of direction / Stephen E.G. Lea, Paul Webley and Brian M. Young -- Socio-economics : select policy implications / Amitai Etzioni -- Everyday conceptions of necessities and luxuries : problems of cultural relativity and moral judgement / Sonia M. Livingstone and Peter K. Lunt -- On the complementarity of economic applications of cognitive dissonance theory and personal construct psychology / Peter E. Earl -- Moral constraints on strategic behaviour / Mark Casson -- Experiments in economics, and psychology / John D. Hey -- An endowment effect in market experiments / Reinhard Tietz -- Receiving a gift : evaluating who gives what when / Rik G.M. Pieters and Henry S.J. Robben -- When is a cobweb model stable? / Alastair Fischer -- Distributive justice versus bargaining power / Werner Güth, Peter Ockenfels and Reinhard Tietz