Revised edition of: Textbook of pediatric infectious diseases / [edited by] Ralph D. Feigin [and others]. 5th ed. c2004.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Rabies virus -- Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection -- Arenaviral hemorrhagic fevers -- Filoviral hemorrhagic fever: margurg and ebola virus fevers -- Coronaviruses and toroviruses, including severe acute respiratory syndrome -- Hantaviruses -- La crosse encephalitis and other California serogroup viruses -- Other bunyaviridae -- Human retroviruses -- Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease, kuru, fetal familial insomnia, new variant Creutzefeldt-Jakob disease, sporadic fetal insomnia) -- Chlamydia infections -- Rickettsial and ehrlichial diseases -- Mycoplasma and ureaplasma infections -- Classification of fungi -- Aspergillus and aspergillosis -- Blastomycosis -- Candidiasis -- Coccidioidomycosis -- Paracoccidioidomycosis -- Cryptococcosis -- Histoplasmosis -- Sporotrichosis -- Zygomycosis -- Miscellaneous mycoses -- Classification and nomenclature of human parasites -- Amebiasis -- Blastocystis hominis infection -- Cryptosporidiosis -- Entamoeba coli infection -- Giardiasis -- Dientamoeba fragilis infections -- Trichomonas infections -- Balantidium coli infection -- Cyclosporiasis, isosporiasis, and microsporidiosis -- Babesiosis -- Malaria -- Leishmaniasis -- Trypanosomiasis -- Naegleria, acanthamoeba, and balamuthia -- Toxoplasmosis -- Pneumocystis pneumonia -- Parasitic nematode infections -- Cestodes -- Trematodes -- Schistosomiasis -- Arthropods -- International travel issues for children -- Infectious disease considerations in international adoptees and refugees -- Health care-associated infections -- Programs to prevent and control health-care associated infections -- Antibiotic resistance -- The pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic interfaceideterminants of anti-infective drug action and efficacy in pediatrics -- Antibacterial therapeutic agents -- Antimicrobial prophylaxis -- Outpatient intravenous antimicrobial therapy for serious infections -- Antiviral agents -- Antifungal agents -- Drugs for parasitic infections -- Immunomodulating agents -- Active immunizing agents -- Passive immunization -- Public health aspects of infectious disease control -- Infections in daycare environments -- Human bites -- Animal bites -- Bioterrorism -- Bacterial laboratory diagnosis -- Fungal laboratory analysis: specimen collection, direct detection, and culture -- Viral laboratory diagnosis -- Parasitic laboratory diagnosis -- Epidemiology and biostatistics.
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V. 1: Molecular determinants of microbial pathogenesis -- Normal and impaired immunologic responses to infection -- Metabolic response of the host infections -- Interaction of infection and nutrition -- Fever: pathogenesis and treatment -- Indigenous flora -- Epidemiology of infectious diseases -- The common cold -- Infections of the oral cavity -- Pharyngitis (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillopharyngitis, and nasopharyngitis) -- Herpangina -- Pharyngoconjunctival fever -- Uvulitis -- Peritonsillar, retropharyngeal, and parapharyngeal abscesses -- Cervical lymphadenitis -- Parotitis -- Sinusitis -- Otitis externa -- Otitis media -- Mastoiditis -- Epiglottitis (supraglottitis) -- Croup (laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, spasmodic croup, laryngotracheobronchitis, bacterial tracheitis, and laryngotracheobroncho-pneumonitis) -- Acute bronchitis -- Chronic bronchitis -- Bronchiolitis and infectious asthma -- Nonbacterial pneumonia -- Bacterial pneumonias -- Children's interstitial lung disease and hypersensitivity pneumonitis -- Pleural effusions and empyema -- Lung abscess -- Cystic fibrosis -- Infective endocarditis -- Infectious pericarditis -- Myocarditis -- Acute rheumatic fever -- Mediastinitis -- Bacterial meningitis beyond the neonatal period -- Parameningeal infections -- Fungal meningitis -- Eosinophilic meningitis -- Aseptic meningitis and viral meningitis -- Encephalitis and meningoencephalitis -- Parainfectious and postinfectious disorders of the nervous system -- Urethritis -- Cystitis and pyelonephritis -- Renal abscess -- Prostatitis -- Genital infections -- Esophagitis -- Approach to patients with gastrointestinal tract infections and food poisoning -- Antibiotic-associated colitis -- Whipple disease -- Hepatitis -- Cholangitis and cholecystitis -- Pyogenic liver abscess -- Reye syndrome -- Appendicitis and pelvic abscess -- Pancreatitis -- Peritonitis and intra-abdominal abscess -- Retroperitoneal infections -- Osteomyelitis -- Septic arthritis -- Bacterial myositis and pyomyositis -- Cutaneous manifestations of systemic infections -- Roseola infantum (exanthem subitum) -- Bacterial skin infections.
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Vibrio vulnificus -- Miscellaneous non-enterobacteriaceae fermentative bacilli -- Acinetobacter -- Achromobacter (alcaligenes) -- Eikenella corrodens -- Elizabethkingia and chryseobacterium species -- Pseudomonas and related genera -- Stenotrophomonas (xanthomonas) maltophilia -- Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans -- Bartonellosis -- Tularemia -- Haemophilus influenzae -- Other haemophilus species (aphrophilus, ducreyi, haemolyticus, influenzae biogroup aegyptius, parahaemolyticus, and parainfluenzae) -- Hilicobacter pylori -- Kingella species -- Legionnaires' disease, pontiac fever, and related illnesses -- Brucellosis -- Pertussis and other bordetella infections -- Calymmatobacterium granulomatis -- Campylobacter jejuni -- Other campylobacter species -- V. 2: Streptobacillus moniliformis (rat-bite fever) -- Bartonella (cat-scratch disease) -- Borrelia (relapsing fever) -- Borrelia (lyme disease) -- Leptospirosis -- Spirillum minus (rat-bite fever) -- Syphilis -- Nonvenereal treponematoses -- Clostridial intoxication and infection -- Infant botulism -- Tetanus -- Actinomycosis -- Other anaerobic infections -- Classification and nomenclature of viruses -- Human parvovirus B₁₉ -- Human bocaviruses -- Human polyomaviruses -- Human papillomaviruses -- Adenoviruses -- Hepatitis B and D viruses -- Herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2 -- Cytomegalovirus -- Epstein-Barr virus -- Human herpesviruses 6, 7, and 8 -- Varicella-zoster virus -- Smallpox (variola virus) -- Monkeypox and other poxviruses -- Mimiviruses -- Enteroviruses and parechoviruses -- Rhinoviruses -- Hepatitis A virus -- Caliciviruses -- Hepatitis E virus -- Reoviruses -- Orbiviruses, coltiviruses, and seadornaviruses -- Rotaviruses -- Rubella virus -- Alphaviruses -- Flaviviruses -- Hepatitis C virus -- Influenza viruses -- Parainfluenza viruses -- Measles virus -- Mumps virus -- Respiratory syncytial virus -- Human metapneumovirus.
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Viral and fungal skin infections -- Ocular infectious diseases -- Bacteremia and septic shock -- Fever without source and fever of unknown origin -- Toxic shock syndrome -- Acute respiratory distress syndrome in children -- Viral infections of the fetus and neonate -- Chlamydia trachomatis infections in the neonate -- Mycoplasma and ureaplasma infections of the neonate -- Yeast and fungal infections of the fetus and neonate -- Congenital toxoplasmosis -- Perinatal bacterial diseases -- Primary immunodeficiencies -- Opportunistic infections in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation -- Infections in pediatric heart transplantation -- Infections of pediatric lung transplantation -- Opportunistic infections in liver and intestinal transplantation -- Opportunistic infections of kidney transplantation -- Infections related to prosthetic or artificial devices -- Infections related to craniofacial surgical procedures -- Infections in burn patients -- Kawasaki disease -- Chronic fatigue syndrome -- Nomenclature for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria -- Staphylococcus aureus infections (coagulase-positive staphlococci) -- Coagulase-negative staphylococcal infections -- Group A, group C, and group G beta-hemolytic streptococcal infections -- Group B streptococcal infections -- Enterococcal and viridans streptococcal infections -- Pneumococcal infections -- Miscellaneous gram-positive cocci -- Moraxella catarrhalis -- Meningococcal infections -- Gonococcal infections -- Diphtheria -- Anthrax -- Bacillus cereus -- Arcanobacterium haemolyticum -- Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae -- Listeriosis -- Tuberculosis -- Other mycobacteria -- Leprosy and buruli ulcer: the major cutaneous mycobacterioses -- Nocardia -- Miscellaneous gram-positive bacilli -- Citrobacter -- Enterobacter -- Diarrhea-causing and dysentery-causing escherichia coli -- Klebsiella -- Morganella morganii -- Proteus -- Providencia -- Shigella -- Serratia -- Salmonella -- Plague (yersinia pestis) -- Other yersinia species -- Miscellaneous enterobacteria -- Aeromonas -- Pasteurella multocida -- Cholera -- Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
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"The new edition of this popular reference continues to present the critical answers you need to address your most difficult clinical challenges. It explores the latest advances in the treatment of pediatric disease, equipping you with unparalleled coverage of immunology, epidemiology, public health, preventive medicine, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and much more. Extensive updates, including para- and post-infectious demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system, antibiotic resistance, and molecular techniques in laboratory diagnosis--just to name a few--enable you to put the very latest knowledge to work for your patients. Plus, as an Expert Consult title, the book comes with access to the complete contents online, fully searchable, plus links to Medline and PubMed abstracts--providing you with rapid and easy reference from any computer!"--Publisher's website.
Parallel Title
Feigin and Cherry's textbook of pediatric infectious diseases