A public language -- On the outskirts of form: cosmopoetics in the shadow of NAFTA -- The dream of a public language: modernity, textuality, and the citizen subject -- 2. Objectivist frames -- Life by water: Lorine Niedecker and critical regionalism -- "Closed in glass": Oppen's class spectacles -- 3. Approaching the new American poetry -- Archaeologist of morning: Charles Olson, Edward Dorn and historical method -- "The repeated insistence": Creeley's rage -- A Cold War correspondence: gender trouble in the letters of Robert Duncan and Denise Levertov -- Looking through lithium: James Schuyler as Jim the Jerk -- Ekphrasis and the New York School -- The pleasures of merely circulating: John Ashbery and the jargon of inauthenticity -- "Struck against parenthesis": Shelley and postmodern romanticisms -- "Skewed by design": from act to speech act in language writing -- Vertigo: thinking toward action in the poetry of George Oppen -- Afterword: impossible poetries
Literature, Modern-- 20th century-- History and criticism
Literature, Modern-- 21st century-- History and criticism