Previously published under title: The word spy, 2008
Text of Note
How it all began: First alphabet -- English alphabet -- Let's change the alphabet -- Invent your own alphabet -- Shorthand -- Why is English so strange?: Silent letters -- Invention of printing -- American spelling -- Plurals -- Hooray for Anglo-Saxon! -- Shakespeare and the bible -- Dots and dashes, interrobangs and cat's claws: Punctuation -- Punctuation: signs & symbols -- Comma, colon: period. -- Question mark -- Exclamation mark -- Interrobang -- Quotation marks -- Apostrophe -- Punctuation in other languages -- Punctuation: do we need it? -- Letters, letters, letters: Anagrams -- Pangrams -- Lipograms -- Acronyms -- LLL (Latin, Latin, Latin) -- Well-mannered acronyms -- Dot dot dot -- And finally the backronym... -- Is that another Greek word?: Palindromes -- Mnemonics -- Oxymorons -- Who likes playing games?: Pig Latin -- Rebus -- Rhyming slang -- Say that again!: Puns -- Homophones -- Mondegreens -- Onomatopoeia -- Tongue twisters -- Portmanteau words -- Hmm, I wonder that you're really saying...: Euphemisms -- Don't mention it -- Doublespeak -- Cliches -- Tautology -- Is that a real person?: Nicknames -- Eponyms -- Spoonerisms -- Tom Swifties -- Malapropisms -- Pen names -- Back to the future: Telegramese -- Texting, LOL, Leet and more -- Smileys
Text of Note
A tour of the English language from the beginning of the alphabet in 4000 BC to modern text messaging and emoticons