"Richard Ellmann: a bibliography / Lonnie Weatherby and Elaine Yarosky": p. 427-439.
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 441-474).
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The fatal circle : composition and direction of Come and go / Dougald McMillan -- The consolation of art : Oscar Wilde and Dante / Dominic Manganiello -- Wilde's criticism : theory and practice / Jonathan Culler -- Playing in earnest / Thomas R. Whitaker.
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A modernist noesis / Bruce Johnson -- Northrop Frye and the Bible / Frank Kermode -- Poe's angels / Charles A. Huttar -- Isabel Archer : the new woman as American / Declan Kiberd -- Henry James, history, and "story" / Charles Feidelson -- Lytton Strachey and the prose of empire / S.P. Rosenbaum -- "The writing "I" has vanished" : Virginia Woolf's last short fictions / Susan Dick -- Strange meetings : Eliot, Pound, and LaForgue / A. Walton Litz -- "Sufficient ground to stand" : Pound, Williams, and American history / Carol H. Cantrell -- D.H. Lawrence's physical religion : the debt to Tylor, Frobenius, and Nuttall / Daniel J. Schneider -- Notes on a late poem by Stevens / Denis Donoghue -- The difficult debut of Denis Johnston's "old lady" / Joseph Ronsley.
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In search of Horatio's identity (via Yeats) / R.W. Desai -- Labour and memory in the love poetry of W.B. Yeats / Elizabeth Butler Cullingford -- W.B. Yeats and that high horse / Jon Stallworthy -- "What can I but enumerate old themes" / Peter Kuch -- Yeat's stream of consciousness / Terence Diggory -- Yeats : the masker and the masks / James Flannery -- "Yours affly, Dobbs" : George Yeats to her husband, winter 1931-32 / Ann Saddlemyer -- Joyce as letter writer / Richard Ellmann Radio Broadcast -- Joyce and mythology / Terry Eagleton -- Mr Leopold Bloom and the lost Vermeer / Mary T. Teynolds -- "There's a medium in all things" : Joycean readings / Fritz Senn -- Transition years : James Joyce and modernist art / Alison Armstrong -- "All that fall" : Samuel Beckett and the Bible / Vivian Mercier -- Beckett's recent activities : the liveliness of dead imagination / Daniel Albright.
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Introduction : Richard Ellmann : the critic as artist / The Editors -- "Heroic work, heroic being" : avoid the valedictory / Sylvan Schendler -- Ellmann's road to Xanadu / Ellsworth Mason -- With Dick in Dublin, 1946 / John V. Kelleher -- Richard Ellmann's Michaux : a publisher's recollections / James Laughlin -- Richard Ellmann and film collaboration / Seán Ó Mórdha -- The Oscar Wilde playing cards / Rosita Fanto -- Poems / Andonis Decavalles -- Poem / Brendan Kennelly -- "Oranges, apples, sugarsticks ..." Joycean associations : an interview with Richard Ellmann / Christie McDonald -- A portrait of James Joyce's biographer : an interview with Richard Ellmann / William K. Robertson -- The concept of modernism / Christopher Butler.
Ellmann, Richard,1918-1987.
English literature-- 19th century-- History and criticism.
English literature-- 20th century-- History and criticism.
English literature-- Irish authors-- History and criticism.