observability, unobservability and their impact on the issue of scientific realism
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by E. Agazzi, M. Pauri.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Dordrecht ; London
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
1 volume ; 24 cm.
Series Title
Boston studies in the philosophy of science, 215
Text of Note
Introduction. Observability and Scientific Realism Section Summaries; E. Agazzi, M. Pauri. History. The Origin of Scientific Realism: Boltzmann, Planck, Einstein. General Philosophy, Scientific Realism. Observability and Referentiality; E. Agazzi. A new Approach to Human Cognition and its Significance for the Philosophy of Science; P.M. Churchland. Abduction and Non-Observability - Some Examples from Language Science and the Cognitive Science; J.P. Descles. `Scientific Realism' and Scientific Practice; R. Torretti. Random Philosophy; P. Galison. Formal Representation and the Subjective Side of Scientific Realism; M. Casartelli. Convention and Observability - Poincare Once Again; G. Heinzmann. Scientific Realism, Objectivity, and `Technological Realism'; R. Queralto. Philosophy of Observation. Testability and Empiricism; D. Shapere. Observing the Unobservable; J. Faye. What Does it Mean to Observe Physical Reality? G. Boniolo. Realism, and the Case of Rival Theories without Observable Differences; A. Cordero. Measurability, Computability and the Existence of Theoretical Entities; M. Dorato. Observation, Construction and Speculation in Cosmology; J. Mosterin. Where did the Notion that Forces are Unobservable Come From? M. Wilson. Philosophy of Quantum Theory. Quantum Mechanics without the Observables; N. Cartwright. Observation, Contextuality and Realism; B. D'Espagnat. Leibniz, Kant and the Quantum - A Provocative Point of View about Observation, Space-Time, and the Mind-Body Issue; M. Pauri. Efficient and Final Causes as CPT Reciprocals; O. Costa de Beauregard. Specific Issues of Observability in Quantum Theory. Observability and Realism inModern Experiments with Correlated Quantum Systems; C.P. Enz. Quantum Mechanics, Realism and the Ultimate Observer; B. Kanitscheider. Individualistic and Statistical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics; P. Mittelstaedt. How to Observe Quarks; B. Falkenburg. Common Experience and Quantum Theory Observables and Beables; G.M. Prosperi. On the Relationships between Classical and Quantum Mechanics; E.G. Beltrametti, S. Bugajski.