Access to the sea for developing land-locked states.
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Martin Ira Glassner
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
The Hague, Nijhoff
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
1970 [1971]
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xi, 298 pages maps 24 cm
Text of Note
I. Characteristics of Land-Locked States.- Definitions.- Geographic Characteristics.- Historical Characteristics.- Political Characteristics.- Economic Characteristics.- II. Development of International Law with Respect to Landlocked States.- Developments Through the Nineteenth Century.- The Barcelona Convention and Statute.- Developments After World War II.- The United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea.- The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.- The Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States.- III. Afghanistan.- The Geographic Setting.- Historical and Political Background.- The United States, the Soviet Union and the Afghan Economy.- Afghanistan's Access to the Sea.- Afghanistan, Pakistan and Pushtunistan.- IV. Bolivia.- The Geographic Setting.- Historical and Political Background.- Bolivia's Developing Economy.- Bolivia's Access to the Sea.- Bolivia's Campaign Against Chile.- V. Uganda.- The Geographic Setting.- Historical and Political Background.- The Economy of Uganda and East Africa.- Uganda's Access to the Sea.- East Africa, Zambia and Rhodesia.- VI. Access to the Sea in the Space Age.- Analyses of Case Studies.- Transportation and Development.- Transit, Access and Outlets.- VII. Solutions to the Question of Access to the Sea.- International Law.- Political or Economic Integration.- Regional Cooperation and Development.- Appendices.- I. Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit, Barcelona, 20 April 1921.- II. Convention on Transit Trade of Land-Locked States.- III. Afghan-Soviet Transit Convention and Agreement.- IV. Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Agreement, Annex and Protocol.