Cover; Copyright; Contents; Foreward; Preface; List of Illustrations; Section 1: Theoretical Overview; 1 --;Thinking critically about critical thinking; 2 --;The authenticity of knowledge; 3 --;Assumptions; 4 --;The nature of evidence; Section 2 --;Key Theoretical Tools of Critical Thinking; 5 --;Political ideologies; 6 --;Moral Reasoning; 7 Feminism and Post-Feminism; 8 --;Critical Realism; 9 --;Chaos and complexity theories; 10 --;Postmodernism and Post-Structuralism; Section 3 --;Application to health and social care practice; 11 --;Case studies in health and social care.
Text of Note
Designed to equip practitioners with the knowledge and tools they need to critically examine practice in their own workplace. This book presents a range of different approaches, which have particular relevance in the context of health and social care. It explains each approach using case studies, problem-solving scenarios and workplace examples.