Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, 1995.
Text of Note
Acute Lung Injury --;Acute Lung Injury: The Pathophysiology --;The Role of Adhesion Molecules in Acute Lung Injury --;The Critical Role of Alveolar Epithelial Barrier in Acute Lung Injury --;Pulmonary Dysfunction after Remote Ischemia and Reperfusion --;Surfactant Therapy in Respiratory Failure --;What is the Mortality of ARDS? --;Mechanical Ventilation --;Mechanical Ventilation in ARDS: Interaction of Respiratory Mechanics and Gas Exchange --;Mechanical Ventilation should be Individually Optimized in Patients with ARDS --;Use of Pressure and Flow Waveforms to Monitor Mechanically Ventilated Patients --;Patient-Ventilator Interaction: Physiology of the Triggering Function --;Influence of Time on Alveolar Recruitment in Acute Lung Injury --;Partial Ventilatory Support: Pathophysiologic Effects of Interfacing Spontaneous and Mechanical Ventilation --;The Concept of Analgo-Sedation depends on the Concept of Mechanical Ventilation --;Effect of Position and Posture on the Respiratory System --;Mechanical Ventilation in Circulatory Failure --;Current Status of Extracorporeal Life Support in Neonatal Respiratory Failure --;Ventilatory Methods used to Wean Patients from Mechanical Ventilation --;Medical Management of Post-Intubation Tracheal Stenosis --;Respiratory Mechanics --;Total Respiratory System, Lung and Chest Wall Mechanics in ARDS Patients --;Airway Occlusion Pressure --;Measurement of Respiratory Mechanics during Partial Ventilatory Support: The Interrupter Technique --;Decompensated Respiratory Failure --;Mask CPAP in Acute and Acute on Chronic Respiratory Failure: A Real Progress or a Dangerous Step Backwards? --;Left Ventricular Function in COPD --;Pulmonary Hemodynamics --;Similarities between the Oxygen Sensors of the Carotid Body and the Pulmonary Vascular Bed --;Therapeutic Manipulation of the Pulmonary Circulation in Acute Lung Injury --;Inhaled Nitric Oxide in ARDS --;Inhaled Nitric Oxide: State-of-the-Art --;Inhaled Nitric Oxide in Acute Respiratory Failure --;Inhaled Nitric Oxide in ARDS: Just a Replacement Therapy? --;Long-term Nitric Oxide Inhalation --;The Cytokine Response --;The Interplay of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines and Anti-Inflammatory Mediators during Severe Infection --;Endogenous Mechanisms Regulating TNF and IL-1 during Sepsis --;Proinflammatory Cytokines and the Host Response to Cancer --;Oxidative Stress and Oxygen-Dependent Cytokine Production --;Therapy of Sepsis --;Clinical Trials of Novel Therapeutic Agents: Why did they fail? --;Traditional and Novel Approaches to Interleukin-1 Antagonism --;G-CSF and the Inflammatory Response in Sepsis --;Antithrombin Replacement in DIC and MOF --;Effects of Antibiotics on Endotoxin Release --;Emergence of Bacterial Resistance during Therapy --;Cardiovascular Alterations in Sepsis --;'Obligatory' Role of Endothelial Cells in Regulating Myocardial Contraction? --;Endothelial Modulation of Myocardial Contraction: A Novel Cardioregulatory Mechanism? --;Ventricular Dysfunction during Sepsis --;Towards a more Causal Treatment of Septic Cardiomyopathy --;Microangiodynamic Abnormalities in Sepsis --;Vascular Reactivity and Tissue Oxygenation --;In Defense of Blood Pressure --;Monitoring --;Quantification of Left Ventricular Function Using Transesophageal Echocardiography --;Transpulmonary Indicator Dilution: An Alternative Approach for Hemodynamic Monitoring --;Measurement of Cardiac Output in Children --;Impedance Cardiography: Non-Invasive Monitoring of Hemodynamics in the ICU --;Indirect Calorimetry --;Bedside Measurement of Cerebral Blood Flow: Thermodilution Techniques --;Near Infrared Spectroscopy: From Clinical Research to Clinical Application --;Gut Function --;The Impact of Critical Illness on the Gastrointestinal Tract --;Barrier Function of the Intestine: Role of Immunonutrition --;Gut Permeability: Mechanisms, Measurement and Clinical Applications --;Possible Therapeutic Approaches to Deal with Bacterial/Endotoxin Translocation --;Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract for the Prevention of Infection --;Nosocomial Pneumonia --;The Pathogenesis of Nosocomial Pneumonia in Mechanically Ventilated Patients --;Nosocomial Pneumonia in the ICU --;New Perspectives on Current Controversies --;Invasive Methods for the Diagnosis of Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia: Is their Value Overestimated? --;Renal Failure --;Hemodialysis in Acute Renal Failure: Which Type of Dialysis Membrane? --;Liver Dysfunction --;Heterogeneity of Hepatic Perfusion in Shock --;Chronic Alcoholics: High-Risk ICU Patients --;Nutrition in Liver Disease --;Indications and Contraindications for Liver Transplantation --;Controversies in Managing Children with Fulminant Liver Failure --;Severe Trauma --;Trauma in the Elderly --;Bacteremia, Pneumonia, and Acute Renal Failure in Trauma Patients --;Head Injury --;Current Concepts in Brain Resuscitation --;Cerebral Perfusion Pressure and Neurointensive Care --;Treatment of Post-Traumatic Brain Edema --;Emergency Drug Therapy of Closed Head Injury --;Monitoring Intracranial Pressure and Intracranial Compliance in Head Injury --;Hypothermia for Cerebral Injury --;Neurological Vignettes --;Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage --;Guillain-Barré Syndrome in the 1990's --;Emergencies --;Treatment of Hypovolemic Shock --;Hypertonic Solutions in Emergency Medicine --;Dopaminergic Drugs in Cardiovascular Emergencies --;Emergency Management of Broad QRS Complex Tachycardia --;Emergency Medical Services for Children --;Heatstroke: Marathons to Mecca --;ICU Management --;Continuous Quality Improvement --;Rationing and Triage --;Neural Networks in Critical Care.
Text of Note
The chapters are written by well recognized experts in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine. It is addressed to everyone involved in internal medicine, anesthesia, surgery, pediatrics, intensive care and emergency medicine.