Foundations of Special Education; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgements; The Author; 1 Components of Special Education; 2 Legal/Typological; 3 Terminological; 4 Social; 5 Medical; 6 Neuropsychological; 7 Psychotherapeutic; 8 Behavioural/Observational; 9 Developmental; 10 Psycholinguistic; 11 Technological; 12 Pedagogical; 13 Conclusion; Bibliography; Index.
Text of Note
A unique cross-disciplinary critique of the foundations of Special Education.:.; Covers legal, conceptual, medical, pharmacological, neuropsychological, social, behavioural, cognitive, psychotherapeutic, psycholinguistic, technological and pedagogical foundations.; Provides examples of how each foundation provides insights or practical contributions to special education generally, and to specific disabilities and disorders in particular.; Delivers information across all major types of disorder/disability in a single volume, creating a must-have reference for anyone involved in special educatio.