The UN and debates over weapons of mass destruction / Nina Tannenwald --;Facing the challenge of small arms : the UN and global security governance / Keith Krause --;Improving the effectiveness of UN arms embargoes / W. Andy Knight --;When aspiration exceeds capability : the UN and conflict prevention / Andrew Mack, Kathryn Furlong --;Can the UN still mediate? / Fen Osler Hampson --;Another reluctant belligerent : the United Nations and the war on terrorism / Edward C. Luck --;UN sanctions : a glass half-full? / Andrew Mack, Asif Khan --;International tribunals and the criminalization of international violence / Joanne Lee, Richard Price --;From peace-keeping to peace-building : the United Nations and the challenge of intrastate war / Allen G. Sens --;Refugee protection and state security : towards a greater convergence / Gil Loescher --;Authorizing humanitarian intervention / Jennifer M. Welsh --;Developing countries and the intervention-sovereignty debate / Ramesh Thakur --;The conundrums of international power sharing : the politics of Security Council reform / Mark W. Zacher --;The UN, regional organizations, and regional conflict : is there a viable role for the UN? / Brian L. Job --;Human security : an opening for UN reform / Lloyd Axworthy --;The League of Nations redux? / Richard Price.
Text of Note
Here top scholars examine the role of the UN in preventing international and civil violence, arms control, deterring and reversing aggression, and addressing humanitarian crises.
POLITICAL SCIENCE -- Political Freedom & Security -- International Security.