Contributions to current research in geophysics, 1.
Text of Note
Vp/V anomalies in dilatant rock samples / Kate Hadley --;Vp/V in saturated granodiorite loaded to failure / B.P. Bonner --;Acoustic emission during high-temperature frictional sliding / Robert M. Stesky --;The study of precursors of failure under biaxial compression / G.A. Sobolev --;Magnetism of rocks and volumetric strain in uniaxial failure tests / Randolph J. Martin III and Max Wyss --;Stable sliding preceding stick-slip on fault surfaces in granite at high pressure / J.D. Byerlee and R. Summers --;The sliding characteristics of sandstone on quartz fault-gouge / James T. Engelder, John M. Logan and John Handin --;Clay gouges in the San Andreas Fault system and the possible implications / F.T. Wu, L. Blatter and H. Roberson --;An analysis of local changes in gravity due to deformation / J.B. Walsh --;Mean sea level before and after some great strike-slip earthquakes / Max Wyss --;Dilatancy and crustal uplift / John R. Booker --;Aseismic faulting following the 1973 Nemuro-Oki earthquake, Hokkaido, Japan (a possibility) / Keichi Kasahara --;Dilatency model and empirical formulas for an earthquake area / T. Rikitake --;Theory of earthquakes II. Inclusion theory of crustal earthquakes / B.T. Brady --;Two models for earthquake forerunners / V.I. Mjachken [and others] --;A theoretcial model of the dilatant behavior of a brittle rock / J. Theodore Cherry, Robert N. Schock and Joel Sweet --;A note on the constitutive law for dilatancy / Amos Nur --;Dilatancy-related electrical resestivity changes in rocks / W.F. Brace --;Precursory and coseismic resestivity changes / Y. Yamazaki --;Application of electric method to the tentative short-term forecast of Kamchatka earthquakes / G.A. Sobolev --;The nature of surface tilt along 85 km of the San Andreas Fault : preliminary results from a 14-instrument array / Carl E. Mortensen and Malcolm J.S. Johnston --;Possible premontory strain changes associated with an earthquake swarm near Mina, Nevada / Keith F. Priestley --;Crustal structure and temporal velocity change in Southern California / Hiroo Kanamori and David Hadley --;Time variations in teleseismic residuals prior to the magnitude 5.1 Bear Valley earthquake of February 24, 1972 / C.H. Cramer and R.L. Kovach --;Quarry blast sources and earthquake prediction : the Parkfield, California, earthquake of June 28, 1966 / David M. Boore, Thomas V. McEvilly and Allan Lindh --A search for precursors to the Sitka, 1972, earthquake : sea level, magnetic field, and P-residuals / Max Wyss --;Deep borehole observation of the earth's crust activities around Tokyo : introduction to the Iwatsuki Observatory / Hiroshi Takahashi and Kazuo Hamada --;Hydraulic fracturing stress measurements near the Hohenzollern-Graben-Structure, SW Germany / F. Rummel and R. Jung.