Front Cover --;Contents --;Series Preface --;Editors --;Contributors --;Introduction --;Chapter 1 --;Spike Trains as Event Sequences: Fundamental Implications --;Chapter 2 --;Neural Coding and Decoding with Spike Times --;Chapter 3 --;Can We Predict Every Spike? --;Chapter 4 --;Statistical Identification of Synchronous Spiking --;Chapter 5 --;Binless Estimation of Mutual Information in Metric Spaces --;Chapter 6 --;Measuring Information in Spike Trains about Intrinsic Brain Signals --;Chapter 7 --;Role of Oscillation-Enhanced Neural Precision in Information Transmission between Brain Areas --;Chapter 8 --;Timing Information in Insect Mechanosensory Systems --;Chapter 9 --;Neural Encoding of Dynamic Inputs by Spike Timing --;Chapter 10 --;Relating Spike Times to Perception: Auditory Detection and Discrimination --;Chapter 11 --;Spike Timing and Neural Codes for Odors --;Chapter 12 --;Spike Timing as a Mechanism for Taste Coding in the Brainstem --;Chapter 13 --;Increases in Spike Timing Precision Improves Gustatory Discrimination upon Learning --;Chapter 14 --;Spike Timing in Early Stages of Visual Processing --;Chapter 15 --;Cortical Computations Using Relative Spike Timing --;Back Cover.
Text of Note
Neuronal communication forms the basis for all behavior, from the smallest movement to our grandest thought processes. Among the many mechanisms that support these functions, spike timing is among the most powerful and-until recently-perhaps the least studied. In the last two decades, however, the study of spike timing has exploded. The heightened interest is due to several factors. These include the development of physiological tools for measuring the activity of neural ensembles and analytical tools for assessing and characterizing spike timing. These advances are coupled with a growing appr.