Preface. Introduction; M. Fitting. Tableau Methods for Classical Propositional Logic; M. D'Agostino. First-Order Tableau Methods; R. Letz. Equality and Other Theories; B. Beckert. Tableaux for Intuitionistic Logics; A. Waaler, L. Wallen. Tableau Methods for Modal and Temporal Logics; R. Gore. Tableau Methods for Substructural Logics; M. D'Agostino, et al. Tableaux for Nonmonotonic Logics; N. Olivetti. Tableaux for Many-valued Logics; R. Hahnle. Implementing Semantic Tableaux; J. Posegga, P. Schmitt. A Bibliography on Analytic Tableaux Theorem Proving; G. Wrightson. Index.