Digital Libraries: Meeting Place for Low-Level And High-Level Vision / R. Picard --; Computer Vision in Next Generation Image and Video Coding / T.S. Huang and R. Lopez --; Video Annotation: Computers Watching Video / A. Bobick --; Video Representations / R. Bolle, Y. Aloimonos and C. Fermuler --; Analysis of Left Ventricular Motion / W.-H. Liao, S.J. Aggarwal and J.K. Aggarwal --; Applications of Computer Vision in Space Robotics / C.-H. Chien --; Optical-Flow Estimation while Preserving Its Discontinuities: A Variational Approach / R. Deriche, P. Kornprobst and G. Aubert --; Space- and Time-Variant Estimation Approaches and the Segmentation of the Resulting Optical Flow Fields / H.-H. Naget, A. Gehrke, M. Haag and M. Otte --; Combining the Hough Transform and Multiresolution MRF's for the Robust Motion Estimation / M. Bober and J. Kittler --; Direct Model-Based Image Motion Segmentation for Dynamic Scene Analysis / J.-M. Odobez and P. Bouthemy.
Text of Note
This book contains the invited reviewed session papers solicited for presentation as key papers at the Second Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV '95, held in December 1995 in Singapore. The fifteen leading researchers acting as session organizers at the ACCV '95 solicited and reviewed a unique collection of 56 invited papers presented in this volume. Together, these papers competently reflect the state-of-the-art developments in computer vision and image processing; the author index of the volume reads like a who-is-who in the field. The papers are devoted to both theoretical and practical issues relevant to researchers and professionals in the area.