Lecture notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics, and Telecommunications Engineering, 109.
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Context-Aware Systems --; Activity-Based Entities Relationship in Monitoring Context Awareness / Nor Azlina Aziz Fadzillah, Nasiroh Omar, Siti Zaleha Zainal Abidin --; Context-Aware User Preferences in Systems for Pervasive Computing and Social Networking / Elizabeth Papadopoulou, Sarah Gallacher, Nick K. Taylor, M. Howard Williams --; Context-Aware Security Solutions for Cyber Physical Systems / Kaiyu Wan, Vangalur Alagar --; 3D Interaction Assistance in Virtual Reality: A Semantic Reasoning Engine for Context-Awareness / Yannick Dennemont, Guillaume Bouyer, Samir Otmane, Malik Mallem --; Frog Sound Identification System for Frog Species Recognition / Clifford Loh Ting Yuan, Dzati Athiar Ramli --; Contextually Aware Adaptive Systems for Enterprise Transformation / Gabrielle Peko, Ching-Shen Dong, David Sundaram --; The Requirements to Enhance the Design of Context-Aware Mobile Patient Monitoring Systems Using Wireless Sensors / Mahmood Ghaleb Al-Bashayreh, Nor Laily Hashim, Ola Taiseer Khorma. An Energy-Efficient Ring Search Routing Protocol Using Energy Parameters in Path Selection / Trung Dung Nguyen, Van Duc Nguyen, Thanh Tung Nguyen, Van Tien Pham, Trong Hieu Pham --; A Formal Approach to Modelling and Verifying Resource-Bounded Context-Aware Agents / Abdur Rakib, Rokan Uddin Faruqui --; Context-Aware Technologies --; Context-Aware Design of Semantic Web Services to Improve the Precision of Compositions / Angelo Furno, Eugenio Zimeo --; Context-Awareness for Self-adaptive Applications in Ubiquitous Computing Environments / Kurt Geihs, Michael Wagner --; Towards Context-Aware Recommendation for Personalized Mobile Travel Planning / Chien-Chih Yu, Hsiao-ping Chang --; A Spatio-temporal Surveillance Approach for Business Activity Monitoring / Gabriel Pestana, Joachim Metter, Pedro Reis --; Smart Communication Adviser for Remote Users / Marek Penhaker, Ondrej Krejcar, Martin Cerny, Miroslav Behan, Pavlina Penhakerova --; Concept of the Personal Devices Content Management Using Modular Architecture and Evaluation Based Design / Miroslav Behan, Ondrej Krejcar. Functional Stream Derivatives of Context-Awareness on P2P Networks / Phan Cong Vinh, Nguyen Thanh Tung, Nguyen Van Phuc, Nguyen Hai Thanh --; Efficient Space Exploration through Laziness / Emil Vassev, Mike Hinchey --; Efficient Reasoning with Ambient Trees for Space Exploration / Emil Vassev, Mike Hinchey --; Power Save Protocol Using Chain Based Routing / Nguyen Thanh Tung, Nguyen Van Duc, Nguyen Hai Thanh, Phan Cong Vinh, Nguyen Dai Tho. Object Detection and Tracking in Contourlet Domain / Nguyen Thanh Binh, Tran Anh Dien --; User Preferences Elicitation and Exploitation in a Push-Delivery Mobile Recommender System / Quang Nhat Nguyen, Thuan Minh Hoang, Lan Quynh Thi Ta, Cuong Van Ta, Phai Minh Hoang --; Research on Innovating, Evaluating and Applying Multicast Routing Technique for Routing Messages in Service-Oriented Routing / Nguyen Thanh Long, Nguyen Duc Thuy, Pham Huy Hoang --; HMM Modeling of User Mood through Recognition of Vocal Emotions / Krishna Asawa, Raj Vardhan --; Genetic Based Interval Type-2 Fuzzy C-Means Clustering / Dzung Dinh Nguyen, Long Thanh Ngo, Long The Pham. Emotion Analysis of the Text Using Fuzzy Affect Typing over Emotions / Krishna Asawa, Vikrant Verma, Surbhi Dhupar --; Compare Effective Fuzzy Associative Memories for Grey-Scale Image Recognition / Pham Viet Binh, Nong Thi Hoa --; Applying Multi Support Vector Machine for Flower Image Classification / Thai Hoang Le, Hai Son Tran, Thuy Thanh Nguyen --; Clustering Hierarchical Data Using SOM Neural Network / Le Anh Tu, Nguyen Quang Hoan, Le Son Thai --; Modeling and Verifying WS-CDL Using Event-B / Hong Anh Le, Ninh Thuan Truong --; Aligning Multi Sequences on GPUs / Hong Phong Pham, Huu Duc Nguyen, Thanh Thuy Nguyen. Performance Evaluation of Virtual Routing Protocol EMRP in WSNs / Thu Ngo, Mai Banh, Hoa Dam --; Improving Vietnamese Web Page Classification by Combining Hybrid Feature Selection and Label Propagation with Link Information / Ngo Van Linh, Nguyen Thi Kim Anh, Cao Manh Dat --; Handwriting Recognition Using B-Spline Curve / Khoi Nguyen-Tan, Nguyen Nguyen-Hoang --; Development of an OPC UA SDK Based WCF Technology and Its Deployment for Environmental Monitoring Applications / Tu Nguyen Thi Thanh, Thang Huynh Quyet.
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This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the first International Conference on Context-Aware Systems and Applications, ICCASA 2012, held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, in November 2012. The 34 revised full papers presented were carefully selected and reviewed from over 100 submissions. The papers cover a wide spectrum of issues in the area of Context-Aware Systems (CAS). CAS are going to shape networked computing systems of the future.