ELECTRICITY INFORMATION 2012; TABLE OF CONTENTS; PART I --; INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION; 1. INTRODUCTION; 2. DEFINITIONS; 3. SOURCES AND NOTES; 4. COUNTRY NOTES; 5. GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE; 6. CONVERSION FACTORS AND CALORIFIC VALUES; PART II --; WORLD ELECTRICITYDEVELOPMENTS; 1 SUMMARY; Production; Consumption; Trade; OECD prices; 2. PRODUCTION AND INSTALLED CAPACITY; OECD production and installed capacity; Non-OECD production; 3. ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION; OECD consumption; OECD sectoral consumption of electricity; Non-OECD consumption; OECD heat consumption; OECD market shares; 4. ELECTRICITY TRADE OECD electricity tradeNon-OECD electricity trade; 5. OECD PRICES; Electricity prices for industry; Electricity prices forhouseholds; Electricity prices for households; Prices of competing fuels; 6. TRENDS IN THE OECD ELECTRICITY SECTOR; Energy and electricity intensity; Electricity production; 7. CO-GENERATION AND RENEWABLES; PART III --; ELECTRICITY DATA OVERVIEW; 1. WORLD; Figure 1.1. World electricity and energy production; Table 1.1. World electricity production, imports, exports, final consumption, 2010 (TWh); Table 1.2. World gross electricity production, by country, by source, 2010 (TWh) Table 1.3. World gross electricity production from combustible fuels, by country, 2010 (TWh)Table 1.4. Gross heat production(1) from combustible fuels, by country, 2010 (PJ); Table 1.5. World fuel use for electricity and heat production, by country, 2010 (PJ); 2. OECD; Table 2.1. OECD electricity production, imports, exports, apparent consumption, 2011e (TWh); Table 2.2. OECD gross electricity production, by country, by source, 2011e (TWh); Table 2.3. Monthly net electricity supply, by country (GWh); Table 2.4. OECD gross electricity production from combustible fuels, by country, 2011e (TWh) Table 2.5. OECD gross heat production from combustible fuels, by country, 2011e (PJ)Table 2.6. Electricity production and consumption, OECD, 1973-2010 (TWh); Table 2.7. Net maximum electricity capacity, OECD, by source, 1974-2010 (GW); Table 2.8. Electricity generation and heat sold, OECD, 1974 --; 2010; Table 2.9. Electricity production from combustible fuels in electricity plants, OECD, 1980 --; 2010; Table 2.10. Electricity and heat production for sale from combustible fuels in CHP plants, OECD, 1980 --; 2010 Table 2.11. Heat produced for sale from combustible fuels in heat plants, OECD, 1980 --; 2010Table 2.12. IEA Electricity generating capacity, 1974-2010 (GW); Table 2.13. OECD Electricity consumption, by country, 1960-2010 (TWh); Table 2.14. Electricity consumption, OECD, by sector, 1973-2010 (TWh); Table 2.15. Electricity consumption, OECD, by industry, 1973-2010 (TWh); Table 2.16. OECD Final consumption of heat, by country, 1980-2010 (Mtoe); Table 2.17. Final consumption of heat, OECD, by sector, 1980-2010 (per cent of total)
Text of Note
Electricity Information provides a comprehensive review of historical and current market trends in the OECD electricity sector, including 2011 preliminary data. An Introduction, notes, definitions and auxiliary information are provided in Part I. Part II of the publication provides an overview of the world electricity developments in 2010 covering world electricity and heat production, input fuel mix, supply and consumption, and electricity imports and exports. A greater focus is given to the 34 OECD countries with more detailed information covering production, installed capacity, input energy.