Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, a member of the Kluwer Academic Publishers Group
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
(x, 345 pages) : illustrations
Series Title
Nijhoff international philosophy series, v. 17.
Text of Note
1. Introduction: John Wisdom and the Breadth of Philosophy.- 2. What is there in Horse Racing?.- 3. Mr. Koellerstr#x00F6; m's Dream: Enlightenment and Happiness.- 4. Wonders.- 5. Saints and Supererogation.- 6. Wisdom on Aesthetics: Superstructure and Substructure.- 7. The Art of Saying what can be Imagined.- 8. Our Knowledge of Other People.- 9. Psycho-Analysis and Philosophy.- 10. Discipline and Discipleship.- 11. The Scope of Reason: Wisdom, Kuhn and James.- 12. Generality and the Importance of the Particular Case.- 13. Universals: Logic and Metaphor.- 14. From Epistemology to Romance via Wisdom.- 15. Philosophy and Scepticism.