Chromosome painting --; principles, strategies and scope --; Human chromosomal banding by in situ hybridization of isochores --; Telomere length measurement by Q-FISH --; Refined characterisation of chromosome aberrations in tumours by multicolour banding and electronic mapping resources --; Relationship of telomere sequence and constitutive heterochromatin in the human and apes as detected by PRINS --; Chromosome painting in farm, pet and wild animal species --; Chromosome painting in plants --; Localisation of DNA sequences on plant chromosomes using PRINS and C-PRINS --; GISH technology in plant genome research --; The use of FISH in chromosomal localization of transgenes in rice --; Microdissection and chromosome painting of plant B chromosomes --; Chromosome painting as a tool for rice genetics and breeding --; Fluorescent in situ hybridization in plant polytene chromosomes --; Molecular cytogenetics of introgressive hybridization in plants --; High resolution FISH to delineate contiguous and small DNA sequences --; Identification and analysis of sex chromosomes by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) --; Comparative karyotype using bidirectional chromosome painting: how and why? --; Immunolocalization of HP1 proteins in metaphasic mammalian chromosomes --; Author index.
Text of Note
Chromosome Painting is the most modern and novel technique for directly identifying several gene sequences simultaneously in the chromosome, with the aid of specific probes in molecular hybridization. Its resolution ranges from single copy to entire genome sequences. It is now applied in plant, animal, and human systems, in gene mapping, identification of genetic disorders, evolutionary studies, and gene transfer experiments. This treatise is the first of its kind to cover the technique with all its modifications and applications. It is designed for regular use by postgraduate students and research workers in cell and molecular genetics, plant and animal sciences, agriculture, medicine, and phylogenetic studies.