International series on microprocessor-based systems engineering, v. 7.
Text of Note
1 Continuous-time models and approaches.- 2 Discrete-time modeling and identification of continuous-time systems: a general framework.- 3 The relationship between discrete time and continuous time linear estimation.- 4 Transformation of discrete-time models.- 5 Methods using Walsh functions.- 6 Use of the block-pulse operator.- 7 Recursive block pulse function method.- 8 Continuous model identification via orthogonal polynomials.- 9 Use of numerical integration methods.- 10 Application of digital filtering techniques.- 11 The Poisson moment functional technique - Some New Results.- 12 Identification, estimation and control of continuous-time systems described by delta operator models.- 13 Identification of multivariable continuous- time systems.- 14 Use of pseudo-observability indices in identification of continuous-time multivariable models.- 15 SVD-based subspace methods for multivariable continuous-time systems identification.- 16 Identification of continuous-time systems using multiharmonic test signals.- 17 Adaptive model approaches.- 18 Nonparametric approaches to identification.- 19 From fine asymptotics to model selection.- 20 Real time issues in continuous system identification.