8.4 Spatial Organization of Populations of Oscillators and an Interpretation of the Pattern of Zonation of Fungi Cultures.
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Front Cover; Biological Oscillators: Their Mathematical Analysis; Copyright Page ; Table of Contents; Dedication ; Preface; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1. Fundamentals of the Mathematical Theory of Oscillators; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Phase Plane Techniques; 1.3 An Example of Application of Phase Plane Techniques; 1.4 State Space; 1.5 Asymptotic Techniques; 1.6 Describing Function; 1.7 Conservative Systems; Chapter 2. Examples of Biological Rhythms; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Circadian Rhythms; 2.3 Circadian Rhythms in an Insect Population; 2.4 Circadian Rhythms in Cell Populations. 2.5 Biochemical Oscillators2.6 Neural Oscillators; 2.7 Oscillations in Cultures of Fungi; Chapter 3. Phase Shifts and Phase Response Curves; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Timing Sequences, Isochrones, Phase Response Curves, and Phase Transition Curves; 3.3 Experimental Phase Response Curves; 3.4 Analysis of Phase Response Curves; 3.5 Isochrones and Phase Response Curves of a van der Pol Oscillator; 3.6 Phase Response Curves of a Biochemical Oscillator; 3.7 Bibliographical Notes; Chapter 4. Entrainment of Oscillators by External Inputs; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Entrainment of a van der Pol Oscillator. 4.3 Entrainment of Circadian Clocks by Light and Temperature Cycles4.4 Fringe Entrainment; 4.5 Entrainment of Oscillators by Pulses; 4.6 Entrainment of a Circadian Rhythm by Light Pulses; 4.7 Subharmonic Entrainment; 4.8 Bibliographical Notes; Chapter 5. The Dynamics of Circadian Oscillators; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Dependence of the Period of an Oscillator on Constant Environmental Factors; 5.3 Mathematical Formulation of a Model for Biological Oscillators; 5.4 The Independence between the Phase Response Curve and the Effects of Light on the Free-Run Period. 5.5 Computer Simulation of Models for the Circadian Clock5.6 Starting and Stopping the Clock; 5.7 Bibliographical Notes; Chapter 6. Effects of Changing Environment on the Dynamics of Biological Oscillators; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 State Variables and Parameters; 6.3 Temperature Compensation in the Drosophila Pseudoobscura Eclosion Rhythm; 6.4 Temperature Compensation in Unicellular Organisms; 6.5 Effects of Heavy Water; 6.6 Bibliographical Notes; Chapter 7. Populations of Interacting Oscillators; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Structural Stability. 7.3 Monofrequency Oscillations in Systems of Coupled Oscillators Studied by Asymptotic Techniques7.4 Strategies for the Study of Populations of Oscillators; 7.5 Synchronization of Populations of Oscillators: The Weakly Nonlinear Case; 7.6 Synchronization of Populations of Oscillators: The General Case; 7.7 Concluding Remarks; 7.8 Bibliographical Notes; Chapter 8. Biological Phenomena Attributable to Populations of Oscillators; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Frequency Doubling in Circadian Rhythms; 8.3 A System of Coupled Biochemical Oscillators.
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Biological Oscillators: Their Mathematical Analysis introduces the main features of the dynamic properties of biological oscillators and the mathematical techniques necessary for their investigation. It is not a comprehensive description of all known biological oscillators, since this would require a much bigger volume as well as a different type of expertise. Instead certain classes of biological oscillators are described, and then only in as much detail as required for the study of their dynamics. The opening chapter reviews fundamental mathematical concepts and techniques which will be.
Biological control systems -- Mathematical models.