1. The United Nations (UN).- A. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).- B. Development assistance.- 1. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).- 2. The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF).- 2. The specialized agencies.- A. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).- B. The International Labour Organization (ILO).- C. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).- 3. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS).- 4. Regional integration.- A. Latin America.- 1. The Asociacion Latinoamericana de Integracion (ALADI).- 2. The Mercado Comun Centroamericano (MCCA).- 3. The Caribbean Community (CARICOM).- 4. The Latin American Economic System (SELA).- B. Asia.- The Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN).- C. Africa and the Middle East.- 1. The West African Economic Community (CEAO).- 2. The Mano River Union (MRU).- 3. The Economic Community of the West African States (ECOWAS).- 4. The Central African Customs and Economic Union (UDEAC).- 5. Arab Economic Cooperation.- 5. Regional development banks.- A. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).- B. The Asian Development Bank (AsDB).- C. The African Development Bank (AfDB).- 6. Conclusion.- 1: World Organizations.- 1. The International Monetary Fund.- 1. Origins.- A. Plans.- B. Groups.- C. Amendments.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. Members.- B. Capital.- C. Administration.- 1. The Board of Governors.- 2. The Council.- 3. The Executive Board.- 4. The Managing Director.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. Financing of balance-of-payments deficits.- 1. Provisions.- a. The general resources.- b. Arrangements not on the account of the Fund.- c. Special Drawing Rights.- 2. Operation.- a. The general resources.- 1. The "tranche" decisions and stand-by arrangements.- Temporary facilities.- 2. The extended facility.- 3. The enlarged access.- 4. Financing for debt and debt-service reduction.- 5. Special facilities.- a. Compensatory and contingency financing facility.- b. Buffer stock financing.- b. Other resources for low-income members.- 1. The structural adjustment facility (SAF).- 2. The enhanced structure adjustment facility (ESAF).- c. Special Drawing Rights.- B. Exchange-rate stability.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- Toward the EMS.- Exchange-rate arrangements.- C Currency convertibility.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- D. Promotion of international cooperation.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- E. Conservation (and increase) of resources.- 1. Provisions.- a. Charges and remunerations.- b. Repurchases.- c. Replenishment and scarce currency.- d. Gold sales.- 2. Operation.- a. Charges and remunerations.- b. Repurchases.- c. Replenishment and scarce currency.- The General Arrangements to Borrow (GAB).- d. Gold sales.- e. Income and reserves.- f. Inter-central bank cooperation.- Appraisal.- Credit granted too easily.- Undue preference to the less-developed countries.- The international monetary reserves.- SDR.- 2. The World Bank Group.- The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.- 1. Objectives.- 2. Organization.- A. Members and capital.- B. Administration.- 3. Functions and operation.- A. Acquisition of resources.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- a. Capital subscriptions.- b. Sale of bonds.- c. Repayment of loans.- d. Sale of claims.- e. Net earnings.- B. Application of resources.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- a. Loans.- b. Guarantees.- c. Investments.- C. Utilization of currencies.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- D. Technical assistance.- 1. Coordination of development assistance.- 2. The International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).- 3. The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA).- The International Development Association.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. Members and capital.- B. Administration.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. Acquisition of resources.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- B. Application of resources.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- C. Utilization of currencies.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- The International Finance Cooperation.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. Members and capital.- B. Administration.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. Acquisition of resources.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- B. Application of resources.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- C. Utilization of currencies.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- Appraisal.- Changing priorities.- Vain exercise.- The role of private capital.- The debt crisis.- 3. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. Members.- B. Administration.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. Elimination of discrimination.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- B. Stabilization and reduction of import duties.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- a. The Kennedy Round.- b. The Tokyo Round.- c. The Uruguay Round.- C. Elimination of quantitative restrictions.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- D. Combating other forms of protection.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- a. Customs valuation.- b. Excise duties.- c. State trade.- d. Subsidies, anti-dumping and countervailing duties.- e. Other forms.- E. Consultations.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- F. Escape clauses.- 1. Provisions.- a. Article 19.- b. Article 18.- c. Articles 20, 21 and 25,5.- 2. Operation.- a. Article 19.- b. Article 18.- c. Articles 21 and 25,5.- G. Action in favour of the less-developed countries.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- Textiles.- Appraisal.- Advantages.- Drawbacks.- Less-developed countries.- Conditions for further progress.- 4. The Commodity Agreements. the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad).- The commodity agreements.- 1. The Wheat Trade Convention.- 2. The International Sugar Agreement.- 3. The International Coffee Agreement.- 4. The International Cocoa Agreement.- 5. The International Tin Agreement.- 6. The International Natural Rubber Agreement.- The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- The new international economic order.- 3. Organization.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. Transfer of technology.- B. Trade in manufactures.- C. Shipping.- D. Commodities.- Appraisal.- 1. The commodity agreements.- Prices.- The method of stabilization.- Beneficiaries.- 2. UNCTAD.- 5. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.- The Organization for European Economic Cooperation.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. Members.- B. Administration.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. General economic cooperation.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- B. Liberalization of goods, invisible transactions and capital.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- a. Goods.- b. Invisible transactions.- c. Capital.- d. Multilateral settlements.- The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. Members.- B. Administration.- 1. The Council.- 2. The Executive Committee.- 3. The Secretariat.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. General economic cooperation.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- a. General economic policy.- b. Energy.- c. Environment.- d. Central and Eastern Europe.- B. Liberalization of goods, invisible transactions and capital.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- a. Goods.- b. Invisible transactions.- c. Capital.- d. Multilateral settlements.- C. Relations with less-developed countries.- Appraisal.- The Organization for European Economic Cooperation.- The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.- 2: European Organizations.- 6. Benelux.- 1. Origins.- A. Preparatory phase.- B. Pre-Union.- C. Economic union.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Administration.- A. Executive institutions.- B. Consultative and arbitration bodies.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. Liberalization of goods, services and capital.- 1. Goods.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 2. Services.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 3. Capital.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- B. Free movement of persons.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- C.
Text of Note
Coordination of economic policy.- 1. Abuse of economic power.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 2. Agriculture.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 3. Investment.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 4. Transport.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 5. Monetary policy.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 6. Tax policy.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 7. Social security.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 8. External relations.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- D. Escape clauses.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- Appraisal.- Advantages.- Drawbacks.- Insufficient coordination of economic policy.- More interest in the EEC.- 7. Central and Eastern European Cooperation.- The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. Members.- B. Administration.- 1. The Council Session.- 2. The Executive Committee.- 3. The Committees.- 4. The Standing Commissions.- 5. The Secretariat.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. General economic cooperation and integration.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- B. Coordination of economic plans.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- C. Joint undertakings.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- a. Development of industry, agriculture and transport.- b. Financing of projects of common interest.- c. Exchange of scientific knowledge.- d. Trade in goods and services.- e. The International Bank for Economic Cooperation (IBEC).- Appraisal.- Organization for International Economic Cooperation.- 8. The European Communities.- 1. Origins.- A. The European Coal and Steel Community.- B. The European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community.- 2. Objectives.- A. TheECSC.- B. The EEC.- C. Euratom.- D. The subsidiarity principle.- 3. Organization.- A. Members.- B. Administration.- 1. The Council.- 2. The European Council.- 3. The Commission.- 4. The European Parliament.- 5. The Court of Justice.- 6. The Economic and Social Committee.- 7. The Consultative Committee (ECSC).- 4. Functions and operation.- A. The creation of a customs union.- 1. ECSC products.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 2. Manufactures other than ECSC products.- a. Elimination of customs duties.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- b. Elimination of non-tariff barriers.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- c. Establishment of a common customs tariff.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- d. Establishment of a common commercial policy.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- 3. Agricultural products.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 1. Abolition of internal trade restrictions.- 2. Common market regulations.- 3. Monetary compensatory amounts.- 4. The Agriculture Fund.- B. The creation of an economic union.- 1. Free movement of persons and services.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 2. Coordination of economic policies.- a. General economic policy.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- b. Balance-of-payments policy and monetary policy.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- a. Very-short-term and short-term financing.- b. Medium-term support.- c. European units of account.- c. Competition policy.- 1. Provisions.- a. ECSC rules.- 1. Enterprises.- 2. Governments.- b. EEC rules.- 1. Enterprises.- 2. Dumping within the common market.- 3. Governments.- 2. Operation.- a. ECSC rules.- 1. Enterprises.- 2. Governments.- b. EEC rules.- 1. Enterprises.- 2. Governments.- 3. Transport policy.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 1. General policy.- 2. Road.- 3. Rail.- 4. Air.- 5. Sea.- d. Environmental policy.- Fisheries.- e. Violation of the subsidiarity principle.- 1. Direct tax policy.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 2. Indirect taxation policy.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 3. Industrial policy.- Research and development policy.- 4. Regional policy.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 5. Social policy.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 6. Agricultural policy.- 3. Free movement of capital.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- C. Monetary union.- D. External relations.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- a. EFT A countries.- b. Former and present overseas territories of EC countries.- c. Central and eastern European countries.- E. Financing.- 1. The ECSC.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 2. The general budget of the Communities.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 3. The European Investment Bank.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- F. Escape clauses.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- Appraisal.- Competition policy.- The tentacles of the octopus.- The purpose of the Community.- 9. The European Free Trade Association.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. The Council.- B. The Committees.- C. The Secretariat.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. Liberalization of trade.- 1. Scope.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 2. Elimination of customs duties.- a. Provisions.- 1. Import duties.- 2. Export duties.- 3. Revenue duties.- b. Operation.- 1. Import duties.- 2. Export duties.- 3. Revenue duties.- 3. Elimination of quantitative restrictions.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 4. Goods from non-EFTA countries.- a. Provisions.- b. Operation.- 5. Administrative and technical barriers to trade.- B. Establishment, liberalization of services and capital.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- C. Approximation of market conditions.- 1. Provisions.- a. Economic and financial policy.- b. Tax policy.- c. Competition policy.- 1. Restrictive business practices.- 2. Dumping.- 3. Government aids.- 4. Public undertakings.- 2. Operation.- a. Economic and financial policy.- Development aid.- b. Tax policy.- c. Competition policy.- 1. Restrictive business practices.- 2. Dumping.- 3. Government aids.- 4. Public undertakings.- D. Consultations and complaints procedure.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- E. Escape clauses.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- Appraisal.- Conclusion.- Need for rationalization and escape clauses.- Voting power and economic order.- List of Articles.- Index of Names.- Index of Subjects.