Murray Gell-Mann --; A scientific biography / H. Fritzsch --; Memories of Murray and the quark model / G. Zweig --; Some problems in cold atom research / C.N. Yang --; Murray and the omega minus / N.P. Samios --; From [symbol] to [symbol]b / M. Karliner --; Early history of QCD and quarks / G. Karl --; Understanding confinement in QCD : Elements of a big picture / M. Shifman --; QCD --; Mass and gauge in a field theory. QCD glue mesons / P. Minkowski --; The QCD coupling and parton distributions at high precision / J. Blumlein --; What we know and don't know about the origin of the spin of the proton / A.W. Thomas, A. Casey and H.H. Matevosyan --; Determination of light quark masses in QCD / C.A. Dominguez --; The elusive Higgs boson(s) / J.F. Gunion --; Prospects for new physics at the LHC / J. Ellis --; Murray Gell-Mann and the last frontier of LHC physics : The QGCW project / A. Zichichi --; Some lessons from sixty years of theorizing / M. Gell-Mann --; New gauge symmetry in gravity and the evanescent role of torsion / H. Kleinert --; Neutrino mass and grand unification of flavor / R.N. Mohapatra --; LHC and the seesaw mechanism / G. Senjanovic --; Neutrino mixing, leptonic CP violation, the see-saw mechanism and beyond / S.T. Petcov --; Some recent progress in AdS/CFT / J.H. Schwarz --; Aspects of string phenomenology / I. Antoniadis --; String corrections to QCD / D. Lust --; Maximal supersymmetry and exceptional groups / L. Brink --; Gauge/gravity duality and some applications / S.R. Wadia --; Quantum mechanics and field theory with momentum defined on an anti-de-Sitter space / M. Bander --; Gauge symmetry in phase space consequences for physics and spacetime / I. Bars --; Composite Higgs particle (abstract only) / K. Yamawaki --; Black holes and attractors in supergravity / A. Ceresole and S. Ferrara --; Gauge theory of gravity with de Sitter symmetry as a solution to the cosmological constant problem and the dark energy puzzle / P. Chen --; Inflation : Theory and observations (abstract only) / V. Mukhanov --; Holographic space-time and its phenomenological implications / T. Banks --; Modeling the flyby anomalies with dark matter scattering / S.L. Adler --; Physics of micro black holes (abstract only) / G. Dvali --; Possible solution of dark matter, the solution of dark energy and Gell-Mann as great theoretician / P.H. Frampton --; Reasoning by analogy : Attempts to solve the cosmological constant paradox / R.A. Porto and A. Zee --; Manifestations of space-time variation of coupling constants and fundamental masses / V.V. Flambaum and J.C. Berengut --; Classical cellular automata and quantum field theory / G.'t Hooft --; Could testing of the laws of physics ever be complete? (abstract only) / K.G. Wilson --; Parton distribution functions in diffractive deep inelastic scattering / S.T. Monfared, A. Khorramian and S.A. Tehrani. Fluid QCD approach for quark-gluon plasma in stellar structure / T.P. Djun and L.T. Handoko --; Heavy quark contributions to the proton structure function / H. Khanpour, A.N. Khorramian and S.A. Tehrani --; Nucleus-nucleus Chou-Yang correlations with generalized multiplicity distribution / J.K. Jasvantlal [and others] --; Pade approximations and NSQD's up to 4-loop using F[symbol] deep inelastic world data / A.N. Khorramian, H. Khanpour and S.A. Tehrani --; A phenomenological analysis of the longitudinal proton structure function F[symbol] / M. Soleymaninia, A.N. Khorramian and S.A. Tehrani --; Helicity contributions of W[symbol]-boson in energy distribution of B-hadron in top quark decay / S.M.M. Nejad, B.A. Kniehl and G. Kramer --; The Kolmogorov reverse equation and high energy multiplicity relations / A. Dewanto, A.H. Chan and C.H. Oh --; Conformation changes and protein folding induced by [symbol] interaction / M. Januar, A. Sulaiman and L.T. Handoko --; Non-relativistic neutrino oscillation in dense medium / H.T. He [and others] --; Quark spin in the proton / S.D. Bass --; Is there unification in the 21st century? / Y.K. Ha --; Nucleon polarized structure function / F. Arbabifar [and others] --; Gell-Mann's angular momentum and currents / K.N. Shrivastava --; Spin and flavor content of nucleon in the chiral quark model / M. Gupta [and others] --; Pseudoscalar-photon interactions, axions, non-minimal extensions, and their empirical constraints from observations / W.-T. Ni, A.B. Balakin and H.-H. Mei --; Gauge field theory of horizontal SU(2) x U(1) symmetry --; Doublet plus singlet scheme / I.S. Sogami --; Proton decay in 5D-SU(6) GUT with orbifold S[symbol]/Z[symbol] breaking in Scherk-Schwarz mechanism / A. Hartanto [and others] --; Micro black holes physics from world-crystal uncertainty principle / P. Jizba, H. Kleinert and F. Scardigli --; Curved D-Braneworld action in 4D and black holes / S. Kar [and others] --; D-Braneworld black holes / A.K. Singh [and others] --; Clifford gravity --; Effective quantum gravity for fermionic matter with arrow of time / V.V. Asadov and O.V. Kechkin --; Stringy stability of dilaton black holes in 5-dimensional anti-de Sitter space / Y.C. Ong --; An internal Schwarzschild-de Sitter solution? / B. Nazari --; The robustness of the galaxy distribution function to effects of merging and evolution / A. Yang [and others] --; Search for cosmic strings in the cosmos survey --; Studies pertaining galaxy-galaxy correlation and cross-correlation / T.P.-W. Ivan --; Search for radio bursts from UHE neutrinos / R.G. Strom [and others] --; Protein folding stages and universal exponents / K. Huang --; Any answers? Self-organised criticality in the third decade after BTW / G. Pruessner --; Disorder in complex human system / K.G. Akdeniz --; Observer localization in multiverse theories / M. Hutter --; Links and quantum entanglement / A.I. Solomon and C.-L. Ho --; Nonlinear Schrodinger-Pauli equations / W.K. Ng and R.R. Parwani --; Statistical mechanics of Davydov-Scott's protein model in thermal bath / A. Sulaiman [and others] --; q-Gaussian analysis in complex polymers / G.C. Yalcin, Y. Skarlatos and K.G. Akdeniz --; Morphologic economics / K. Naitoh --; The complexity of research management / J.W. Vasbinder --; Application of percolation theory to complex interconnected networks in advanced functional composites / P. Hing --; List of invited speakers --; List of contributed speakers.
Text of Note
The Conference on Quantum Mechanics, Elementary Particles, Quantum Cosmology and Complexity was held in honour of Professor Murray Gell-Mann's 80th birthday in Singapore on 24-26 February 2010. The conference paid tribute to Professor Gell-Mann's great achievements in the elementary particle physics. This notable birthday volume contains the presentations made at the conference by many eminent scientists, including Nobel laureates C N Yang, G't Hooft and K Wilson. Other invited speakers include G Zweig, N Samios, M Karliner, G Karl, M Shifman, J Ellis, S Adler and A Zichichi.