Excel 2007 Vba Programming For Dummies; About the Author; Dedication; Author's Acknowledgments; Contents at a Glance; Table of Contents; Introduction; Part I: Introducing Vba; Part Ii: How Vba Works with Excel; Part Iii: Programming Concepts; Part Iv: Communicating with Your Users; Part V: Putting It All Together; Part Vi: The Part of Tens; Index; Bonus Chapter 1: Interacting with Other Office Applications; Bonus Chapter 2: Ten Vba Do's and Don'ts.
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Step-by-step instructions for creating VBA macrosHarness the power of VBA and create custom Excel applicationsMake Excel 2007 work for you! This clear, nonintimidating guide shows you how to use VBA to create Excel apps that look and work the way you want. Packed with plenty of sample programs, it explains how to work with range objects, control program flow, develop custom dialog boxes, create custom toolbars and menus, and much more. Discover how to* Grasp essential programming concepts* Use the Visual Basic(r) Editor* Navigate the new Excel user interface* Communicate with your users* Deal w.