Education for school library media specialists in the State of Kuwait :
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Abdel-Motey, Yaser Yousef
Title Proper by Another Author
a competency-based approach
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Loughborough University of Technology
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Text preceding or following the note
Text of Note
This study examines modern curriculum design, school librarianship, and literacy, education and librarianship in the Arab countries in an endeavour to formulate an appropriate and effective programme for the education of school library media specialists in Kuwait. Traditional and modern methods of curricula design are studied in search of an approach to education which is appropriate to the various needs of Kuwait society. The growth and development of school librarianship in both industrialized and developing countries are examined, as well as the role of school library media specialists and the educational requirements of their professional preparation. From a comparison of the competencies necessary for school library media specialists in several countries, a research tool is constructed, tested, administered and analyzed to define the I competencies necessary for school library media specialists in Kuwait. The resulting competencies are compared to the competencies required of students in three established programmes for school library media specialists and serve as a basis for a suggested competency-based programme for school library media specialists in Kuwait, including the behavioural objectives suggested for the achievement of the identified competencies of a Bachelor level programme. Further recommendations are made for the positive development of school librarianship and education for librarianship in Kuwait and the Arab region.
Information and Computing Sciences not elsewhere classified ; Kuwait ; Curriculum design ; Librarianship