An analysis of the adoption and use of HRIS in the public universities in Saudi Arabia
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Aletaibi, R. G.
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Coventry University
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Thesis (Ph.D.)
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Evaluating the use of human resource information systems (HRIS) by employees working in the human resource management (HRM) departments of the public universities in Saudi Arabia is one of the main aims of this project. Other researchers in this field have proposed several success models for HRIS use, and they are suitable for organisations working in the conditions and circumstances surrounding a particular region; however, they cannot be applied directly to Saudi organisations. Thus, it is very important to construct an HRIS use model for higher education institutions. In view of the weaknesses of other HRIS success models for the particular environment in Saudi Arabia, this study has integrated some incumbent factors into the DeLone and McLean HRIS success model to develop a new model that provides comprehensive insight into the most important factors affecting the issue of HRIS within the HR Departments of Saudi universities. This results in the development of a theoretical framework as a model to carry out the investigation into the impacts of various dimensions of the proposed model on the use of HRIS by employees. A mixed-method research design involving interviews and questionnaires was used to collect qualitative and qualitative data; analytical techniques along with SPSS20 were employed to analyse the data. The results obtained from the qualitative phase showed that there were six factors that affected the use of HRIS in the HR Departments of public universities: usefulness, a speedier decision-making process, system quality, ease of use, subjective norms (social and peer pressures), and the unification of systems. The impact of these dimensions on the use of HRIS was measured in the qualitative phase, showing the positive impact of system quality, service quality, and ease of use on the use of a system. Furthermore, the impact of HRIS on human resources (HR), based on performance and productivity, was investigated through interviews and surveys with the sample population. In general, it was found that HRIS have a significant and positive impact on the performance and productivity of the HR Departments of public universities in Saudi Arabia. This study's main contribution is the successful development of an adoption model for the measurement of HRIS use in Saudi public universities, by taking into account the social elements that play an important role in the use of HRIS in Saudi Arabia. This is the first study of its kind that has been performed to measure the factors and map the strength of their relationship with the use of HRIS, user satisfaction and HRIS adoption.