Introduction -- On narrating and troping the law : the conjoined use of narrative and metaphor in legal discourse / Greta Olson -- What's it like? : Native Americans and the ambivalence of legal metaphors / Lawrence Rosen -- Metaphoric parable : the nexus of metaphor and narrative in persuasive legal writing / Michael R. Smith -- Embodied metaphor in persuasive legal narrative / Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr. -- Narrative in the legal text : judicial opinions and their narratives / Simon Stern -- Legal stories, the reality effect, and visual narratives : a response to Simon Stern / Peter Brooks -- Gender justice : the role of stories and images / Linda L. Berger and Kathryn M. Stanchi -- The "crime as a disease" metaphor : vision, power, and collaboration in social problems research / Roberto H. Potter -- The fertility (sic) of the crime/disease linkage for metaphor and narrative : response to Potter / Robert Weisberg -- Narrative conventions in crime reporting / Dahlia Lithwick -- Metaphors, stories, and media framing of crime : response to Lithwick / L. David Ritchie -- When rights-talk meets queue-talk / Katharine G. Young -- The cutters and others / Bernadette A. Meyler -- Through narrative and by metaphor : creating a lawyer-self in poetry and prose / Lawrence Joseph -- Secrets of civility in Lawyerland / Meredith Wallis -- A conversation with Mari Matsuda / Michael Hanne.
Text of Note
Scholars from many disciplines discuss the crucial roles played by narrative and metaphor in the theory and practice of law.