Innovation, entrepreneurship and management series
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Cover; Half-Title Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Foreword by Martine Brasseur; Foreword by Claude Berghmans; Preface; Introduction; 1. Emotion; 1.1. Emotion: a complex concept; 1.2. Expression; 1.3. An adjustment tool; 1.4. A neurological system; 1.5. A complex system; 1.6. Subject to dissonance and inhibition; 1.7. Contagion; 2. Managing Individuals; 2.1. The art of managing customer focus: the relations dependent on monitoring and margins to maneuver; 2.1.1. Organizational norms; 2.1.2. Dissonances; 2.2. The art of motivating: commitment and satisfaction.
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2.2.1. Different types of commitment2.2.2. Commitment-satisfaction-e-motion; 2.3. The art of administering well: the process approach, a proactive and sustainable method; 2.3.1. Emo-management, a process that concerns everyone; 2.3.2. A multitude of effects in the workplace; 2.3.3. Levers for managing; 2.4. The art of ensuring health and safety in the workplace: well-being at work; 2.4.1. A neurobiological process; 2.4.2. Reasons to become ill?; 2.4.3. Real consequences?; 2.4.4. A schema like this in business?
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2.5. A factual approach for effective decision-making: knowledge of the emotional decision-making process2.5.1. Decision and emotion; 2.5.2. Decision and emotion, at the origin: a rejection; 2.5.3. Decision and the neurobiological process; 2.5.4. Decision and emo-management?; 2.5.5. Decision, emo-management and contagion; 3. Managing a Collective; 3.1. An evidence-based approach for effective collective; 3.2. The art of leading: authentic leadership and emotional intelligence; 3.2.1. The manager and emotions; 3.2.2. The manager and emotional intelligence.
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3.2.3. Is everyone capable of emo-managing?3.3. The art of reconciling the present with the future: the principle of continuous improvement; 3.3.1. Change and emotion; 3.3.2. Change = trust = emotion; 3.3.3. Change, a shared emotional acceptance; 3.3.4. Lever for the acceptance of change through; 3.4. The art of bringing people together: mutually beneficial relations with others and the social aspect of managerial responsibility; 3.4.1. Collective emotion, arsenal of emo-management; 3.4.2. A paradoxical arsenal: positive and negative effects.
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3.5. The art of managing diversity: learning and creating collectively3.5.1. Diversity between conflicts and group work; 3.5.2. Managing diversity with emo-management; 3.5.3. Emo-management, a factor in diversity; 3.6. A common point: an essential element for collective intelligence, emotional contagion; 3.6.1. Emo-management: dealing with emotional contagion; 3.6.2. Mathematical and economic tools to better manage emotional contagion; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index; Other titles from iSTE in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management; EULA.
Text of Note
This book is based on the author's research carried out over the last ten years in terms of emotional management. It establishes the intervention of emotions at all levels of management: the LittrE definition, management being the art of the possible, "the art of guiding, managing, handling, motivating ... 'ven resolving and arranging". Emotion is a subject studied particularly in management in English speaking countries and has become a topic of growing interest in organizational behavior. E-motion is, in this book, considered based on its etymological origin (ex-movere: put into action by the external factors). The objective is to demonstrate a new vision of responsible management and to confront the current challenges in motion. In this way, the latter tends to take into consideration the 'living', i.e. the psychobiological, neurological and sociological aspects of people in business.