1.3 The Origins of the Organisms Employed in Food Fermentations1.4 Some of the Major Micro-Organisms in This Book; 1.4.1 Yeast; 1.4.2 Lactic Acid Bacteria; Lactococcus; Leuconostoc; Streptococcus; Lactobacillus; Pediococci; Enterococcus; 1.5 Providing the Growth Medium for the Organisms; 1.6 Fermenters; 1.7 Downstream Processing; 1.8 Some General Issues for a Number of Foodstuffs; 1.8.1 Non-enzymatic Browning; 1.8.2 Enzymatic Browning; 1.8.3 Caramelisation of Sugars; 1.8.4 Antioxidants; Bibliography; Chapter 2 Beer
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2.1 Overview of Malting and Brewing2.2 Barley and Malt Production; 2.3 Mashing: The Production of Sweet Wort; 2.3.1 Milling; 2.3.2 Mashing; 2.3.3 Adjuncts; 2.3.4 Wort Separation; Lauter Tun; Mash Filters; 2.4 Water; 2.5 Hops; 2.6 Wort Boiling and Clarification; 2.7 Wort Cooling; 2.8 Yeast; 2.9 Brewery Fermentations; 2.10 Filtration; 2.11 The Stabilisation of Beer; 2.12 Gas Control; 2.13 Packaging; 2.13.1 Filling Bottles and Cans; 2.13.2 Filling Kegs; 2.14 The Quality of Beer; 2.14.1 Flavour; 2.14.2 Foam; 2.14.3 Gushing; 2.15 Spoilage of Beer; 2.16 Beer Styles; Bibliography
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5.4 Cider Colour and Flavour5.5 Post-Fermentation Processes; 5.6 Problems With Cider; 5.7 Perry; Bibliography; Chapter 6 Distilled Alcoholic Beverages; 6.1 Whisk(e)y; 6.1.1 Distillation; 6.1.2 Whiskey Variants; 6.2 Cognac; 6.3 Armagnac and Wine Spirits; 6.4 Rum; Bibliography; Chapter 7 Vodka, Flavoured Spirits and Liqueurs; 7.1 Vodka; 7.2 Gin; 7.3 Liqueurs; Bibliography; Chapter 8 Sake; 8.1 Sake Brewing; 8.1.1 Polishing, Steeping and Steaming; 8.1.2 Making Koji; 8.1.3 Making Moto; 8.1.4 Moromi; 8.1.5 Modern Sake Making; 8.2 The Flavour of Sake; 8.3 Types of Sake; 8.4 Serving Temperature
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Chapter 3 Wine3.1 Grapes; 3.2 Grape Processing; 3.2.1 Stemming and Crushing; 3.2.2 Drainers and Presses; 3.3 Fermentation; 3.3.1 Juice; 3.3.2 Yeast; 3.4 Clarification; 3.5 Filtration; 3.6 Stabilisation; 3.7 The Use of Other Micro-Organisms in Wine Production; 3.8 Champagne/Sparkling Wine; 3.9 Ageing; 3.10 Packaging; 3.11 Taints and Gushing; 3.12 The Composition of Wine; 3.13 Classifications of Wine; 3.14 Wine Evaluation; Bibliography; Chapter 4 Fortified Wines; 4.1 Sherry; 4.2 Port; 4.3 Madeira; Bibliography; Chapter 5 Cider; 5.1 Apples; 5.2 Milling and Pressing; 5.3 Fermentation
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-"Covers all major uses of fermentation in the global food and beverage industries.-Contains practical information on the processing of fermented food and beverage products.-Author is an internationally renowned authority on the subject.-Second edition chapters significantly updated and expanded, particularly those on non-beverage products. Market description Food scientists, technologists and microbiologists in the food industry and in academia"--