Real stories of how this volume happened / M. Elise Radina and Áine M. Humble -- Analyzing self and other in autoethnography: telling secrets about one's stillborn child / Marcus B. Weaver-Hightower -- Creating research poetry: a nursing home example / Evonne Miller -- Applying indigenous analytical approaches to sexual health research: a reflection on unikkaqatigiiniq (storytelling) and sananiq (crafting) / Gwen K. Healey -- Thematic and phenomenological analysis in research on intimate relationships / Paul C. Rosenblatt and Elizabeth Wieling -- Sharing expertise in Appalachia: a collaborative feminist content analysis of in-depth interviews with older women cancer survivors / Katherine R. Allen and Karen A. Roberto -- Revisiting and remaking the listening guide: an ecological and ontological narrativity approach to analyzing fathering narratives / Andrea Doucet -- Authenticity in qualitative data analyses: notes on racial and gender diversity in team ethnography of young men of color / Kevin Roy, John Hart, and Laura Golojuch -- What does this mean to you? Partnering with Amigas de la Comunidad to analyze the housing conditions of undocumented Latina immigrants / Colleen K. Vesely, Bethany L. Letiecq, Rachael Goodman, Marlene Marquez, Liciane Alves, Wendy Lazo, and Roberto Martinez -- Lost in the data: strategies used to analyze a large-scale collaboratively-collected qualitative dataset of low-income families / Katherine E. Speirs, Colleen K. Vesely, and Kevin Roy -- Uprooting grounded theory: the messy reality of understanding low-income couples' cohabitation transitions / Tyler Jamison -- Charting the course: analytic processes used in a study of residents' care networks in assisted living / Candace Kemp, Mary M. Ball, and Molly M. Perkins -- Using family-level data in research on work-related travel: a multi-tonal experience / Anisa Zvonkovic and Andrea Swenson -- An ethnographic analysis of Latino gay youth's paths to homelessness / H. Daniel Castellanos -- Dialogue about arts-based research / Gwen K. Healey, Evonne Miller, and Marcus B. Weaver-Hightower -- Dialogue about reflexivity / Katherine R. Allen, Bethany L. Letiecq, Karen A. Roberto, Paul C. Rosenblatt, and Elizabeth Wieling -- Dialogue about qualitative data analysis software / Tyler Jamison, Candace Kemp, Katherine E. Speirs, Andrea Swenson, and Colleen K. Vesely -- Dialogue about data display / H. Daniel Castellanos, Mary M. Ball, and Anisa Zvonkovic.
Text of Note
"This volume offers an in-depth look into how qualitative social science researchers approach their data analysis. It moves beyond the usual vague statement of "themes emerged from the data" to show readers how researchers actively and consciously arrive at their themes, revealing the complexity of making sense of thousands of pages of interview data, multiple data sources, and diverse types of data (observations, interviews, photos, diary entries). The book focuses on a diversity of topics in family research and on different methodologies, but its findings provide an invaluable resource for experienced and novice qualitative researchers throughout the social sciences"--