1. Nutrients: history and definitions / Martha H. Stipanuk, PhD -- 2. Food components with health benefits / Elizabeth H. Jeffery, PhD, Kelly A. Tappenden, PhD, and Anna-Sigrid Keck, PhD -- 3. Guidelines for food and nutrient intake / Christina Stark, MS, RD, CDN -- 4. Structure, nomenclature, and properties of carbohydrates / Joanne L. Slavin, RD -- 5. Structure, nomenclature, and properties of proteins and amino acids / Martha H. Stipanuk, PhD -- 6. Structures, nomenclature, and properties of lipids / J. Thomas Brenna, PhD, and Gavin L. Sacks, PhD -- 7. Overview of digestion and absorption / Alan B.R. Thompson, MD, PhD, and Patrick Tso, PhD -- 8. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates / Armelle Leturque, PhD, and Edith Brot-Laroche, PhD -- 9. Digestion and absorption of protein / Paul J. Moughan, PhD, DSc, FRSC, FRSNZ, and Bruce R. Stevens, PhD -- 10. Digestion and absorption of lipids / Patsy M. Brannon, PhD, RD, Patrick Tso, PhD, and Ronald J. Jandacek, PhD -- 11. Dietary fiber / Joanne L. Slavin, PhD, RD -- 12. Carbohydrate metabolism: synthesis and oxidation / Mary M. McGrane, PhD -- 13. Protein synthesis and degradation / Tracy G. Anthony, PhD, and Margaret McNurlan, PhD -- 14. Amino acid metabolism / Margaret E. Brosnan, PhD, and John T. Brosnan, DPhil, DSc -- 15. Protein and amino acid requirements / Crystal L. Levesque, PhD, and Ronald O. Ball, PhD -- 16. Metabolism of fatty acids, acylglycerols, and sphingolipids / Hei Sook Sul, PhD -- 17. Cholesterol and lipoproteins synthesis, transport, and metabolism / Hei Sook Sul, PhD, and Judith Storch, PhD -- 18. Lipid metabolism: polyunsaturated fatty acids / Sarah K. Orr, BSc, Chuck T. Chen, BSc, Arthur A. Spector, MD, and Richard P. Bazinet, PhD -- 19. Regulation of fuel utilization in response to food intake / Martha H. Stipanuk, PhD -- 20. Regulation of fuel utilization in response to physical activity / Martha H. Stipanuk, PhD -- 21. Cellular and whole-animal energetics / Darlene E. Berryman, PhD, RD, and Matthew W. Hulver, PhD -- 22. Control of energy balance / Darlene E. Berryman, PhD, RD, Brenda M. Davy, PhD, RD, and Edward O. List, PhD -- 23. Disturbances of energy balance / Darlene E. Berryman, PhD, RD, and Christopher A. Taylor, PhD, RD, LD -- 24. Niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin / W. Todd Penberthy, PhD -- 25. Folate, choline, vitamin B₁₂ and vitamin B₆ / Marie A. Caudill, PhD, RD, Joshua W. Miller, PhD, Jesse F. Gregory III, PhD, and Berry Shane, PhD -- 26. Biotin and pantothenic acid / Donald M. Mock, PhD, and Neil I. Matthews, BA -- 27. Vitamin C / Alexander Michels, PhD, and Balz, Frei, PhD -- 28. Vitamin K / Reidar Wallin, PhD -- 29. Vitamin E / Robert S. Parker, PhD -- 30. Vitamin A / Noa Noy, PhD -- 31. Vitamin D / Steven K. Clinton, MD, PhD -- 32. Calcium and phosphorus / Sue A. Shapses, PhD -- 33. Magnesium / Jürgen Vormann, Dr. rer. nat. -- 34. Sodium, chloride, and potassium / Hwai-Ping Sheng, Ph D -- 35. Body fluids and water balance / Hwai-Ping Sheng, PhD -- 36. Iron / Robert R. Crichton, PhD, FRSC -- 37. Zinc, copper, and manganese / Arthur Grider, PhD -- 38. Iodine / Elizabeth N. Pearce, MD, MSc, and Hedly C. Freake, PhD -- 39. Selenium / Gerald F. Combs, Jr., PhD -- 40. Fluoride / Gary M. Whitford, PhD, DMD -- 41. Molybdenum and beneficial bioactive trace elements / Forrest H. Nielsen, PhD.
Text of Note
This book presents advanced nutrition in a comprehensive, easy-to-understand format ideal for graduate students in nutritional programs, organic chemistry, physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology. It focuses on he biology of human nutrition at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and whole-body levels. Full of student-friendly features - chapter outlines; common abbreviations; critical thinking exercises; detailed illustrations; and feature boxes spotlighting key nutritional data, insights, and clinical correlations. In addition, chapters are organized logically into seven units, reflecting the traditional nutrient class divisions. Nutrition Insight boxes take a closer look at basic science and everyday nutrition, going beyond the content presented in the chapter and spotlighting timely topics. Clinical Correlation boxes discuss various nutrition-related problems and help readers make the connections between abnormalities and their effects on normal metabolism. Food Sources and RDAs/AIs across the Life Cycle boxes summarize key information from the USDA National Nutrient Database and the Institute of Medicine into abbreviated, to-the-point lists that easily spotlight the key information related to that content area. Life Cycle Considerations boxes highlight particular nutritional processes or concepts applicable to individuals of various ages and in various stages of the life span. Thinking Critically sections within feature boxes encourage students to apply scientific knowledge to "real-life" situations. A chapter outline and listing of common abbreviations help readers gain an overview of each chapter's content at a glance. Comprehensive cross-referencing by chapters and illustrations is used throughout. Current references and recommended readings introduce readers to the broad range of nutrition-related literature and provide additional tools for research. Information provided by 45 expert contributors. In-depth discussions of the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPyramid and their implications for nutrition. An entire chapter devoted to nonessential food components and their health benefits, including dietary supplements and the many possible phytonutrients associated with the decreased risk for chronic diseases. All the latest Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) incorporated throughout. Nearly 100 new illustrations to help visually simplify complex biochemical, physiological, and molecular processes and concepts. More extensive information about the sources of nutrients and the amounts contained in typical servings of various foods.