Reprint. Originally published: Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1971.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Part III: Green light from the White House: 1939-1947 -- We look towards America, 1939 / David Ben-Gurion -- F.D.R.'s international immigration plan for Jewish refugees / Morris L. Ernst -- The Zionist (Biltmore) programme, 11 May 1942 -- Arab nationalism and political Zionism / William Ernst Hocking -- F.D. Our. Meets Ibn Saud: the conference and its anti-climax, 1945 / William A. Eddy -- The U.S. and the Arab world, 1939-1945 / Kermit Roosevelt -- A "displaced person" in post war Germany, 1945-1946 / Lieut. Gen. Sir Frederick Morgan -- Aspects of an American lobby, 1944-1947 -- Prime Minister Attlee on President Truman's Palestine policy, 1945-1946 / Francis Williams -- U.S. displaced persons legislation: enactment, 1945-1948 / Robert A. Divine -- The Zionist military organizations, 1946 -- White papers on violence, 1946 -- The Mossad machine -- confounding military intelligence, 1946-1947 / Jon and David Kimche -- Palestine perspectives of U.S. Cabinet member, 1947 -- the Forrestal diaries -- The Zionist illusion / Walter T. Stace -- Part IV: U.N. Fig Leaf, 1947-1948 -- Binationalism not partition -- Pres. Truman and the Negev, November 19, 1947 / Abba Eban -- Thanksgiving day at Lake Success, November 27, 1947 / Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan -- The Philippines changes its vote / Gen. Carlos P. Romulo -- The partition of Palestine: a lesson in pressure politics / Kermit Roosevelt -- "Politics looks very simple to the outsider," Washington, December 1947-February, 1948 / The Forrestal diaries -- Chaim Weizmann calls again on Pres. Truman, March 18, 1948 / Abba Eban -- Arms for independence: when the Soviet Bloc supported Israel / Arnold Krammer -- Plan Dalet / Lt. Col. Nathaniel Lorch -- Deir Yasin, April 10, 1948 / Jacques de Reynier -- The attack on the Arab village of Kolonia, April 12, 1948 / Harry Levin -- The battle for Haifa, April 21-22, 1948 / Major R.D. Wilson -- Deir Yasin and Jaffa, April, 1948 / Jon Kimche -- "And on Passover eve, April 23, the breakthrough came" / Abba Eban -- The battle for the old city of Jerusalem, May 18-28, 1948 / Lieut. Gen. Sir John Bagot Glubb -- The death of Count Folke Bernadette, September 17, 1948 / General Aage Lundströme -- The other exodus / Erskine B. Childers -- Zion and the other Jewish national idea / Huns Kohn.
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Part one: Alchemy of a myth: from the Canaanites to Balfour -- The land of Canaan / Eileen Beatty -- The Zionists and the Bible / Alfred Guillaume -- On the merits of Jerusalem and Palestine / Burhan ad-Din al Fazari -- Jerusalem, Islam and Dante / Miguel Asin -- Influence of the Jews in Arab Caliphate / Cecil Roth -- To save with pity -- Saladin enters Jerusalem, 1187 / Stanley Lane-Poole -- Mendelssohn and Dreyfus / Elmer Berger -- The Basle Programme, 30 August, 1879 -- Letter from Dr. Theodore Herzl to M. Youssuf Zia al-Khalidi -- The Aliens Bill and Jewish immigration to Britain, 1902-1905 / Oskar K. Rabinowicz -- Shlomo and David, Palestine, 1907 / L.M.C. van der Hoeven Leonhard -- British interests in Palestine, 1917 / Herbert Sidebotham -- Edwin Montagu and Zionism, 1917 -- Contacts between German Zionist leaders and the German government during World War I / Leonard Stein -- Judge Brandeis and the framing of the Balfour declaration / Frank E. Manuel -- Analysis of the Balfour declaration / J.M.N. Jeffries -- Chaim Weizmann in Jaffa and in Paris -- An interview in Mr. Balfour's apartment, 23 Rue Nitot, Paris, on June 24th, 1919, at 4:45 PM -- Memorandum by Mr. Balfour respecting Syria, Palestine and Mesopotamia, 1919 -- The American Kino-Crane Commission of inquiry, 1919 -- The House of Lords and Palestine, 1923 -- Part two: The British shield: 1920-1939 -- Palestine: 1920-1923 / Lt. Col. W.F. Stirling -- Palestine notebook, 1923 / C.R. Ashbee -- The stages of Zionism and minority national rule / Chaim Arlosoroff -- Zionists and the land / Michael Ionides -- Holy Land, 1929 / Vincent Sheean -- On the employment of Arab labour / Sir John Hope Simpson -- Harold Lasky and Palestine, 1929-1931 / Kingsley Martin -- The Passfield White Paper and the politics of Whitechapel, 1930-1931 / Alan Bullock -- British Imperial communications / Ernest Main -- Evidence submitted to the Palestine Royal commission, 1937 / Vladimir Jabotinsky -- Dr. Chaim Weizmann's conversation with Mr. Ormsby-Gore, the Secretary of State for the colonies, on the petition of Palestine, 1937 -- The dark path of repression, 1937-1938 / Neville Barbour -- The "town planning of Jaffa, 1936", judgments by Michael F.J. McDonell and R.J. Manning -- ' ... Until you are dead', (Palestine, 1937) / Sir Alec Seath Kirkbride -- Searchlight on Palestine, 1936-1938 / Francis E. Newton -- The Jews in Palestine, 1938 / Mahatma K. Gandhi -- Britain's contribution to arming the Hagana / David Ben-Gurion -- Orde Wingate -- I. Orde Wingate and Moshe Dayan, 1938 / Leonard Mosley -- II. Our friend: What Wingate did for us / David Ben-Gurion -- The strategy of land acquisition / A. Granott -- Rechesh and Ta'as: arms for the Hagana, 1935-1939 / David Ben-Gurion -- Immigration policy of the British minions, 1938 -- Reservations on the plans for the partition of Palestine, 1838 / Thomas Reid -- Eichmann and the selection of pioneers / Jon and David Kimche -- The Polish Rabbinate and Jewish emigration to Palestine, 1939 / Robert Briscoe -- Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and the immigration of German Jewish children to the United States, 1939 -- The white paper of 1939 / Neville Barbour.