Volume 1. Reimagining special education : why new approaches are needed / Lani Florian -- Confronting difference : a brief history of special education / Margaret A. Winzer -- Models of service delivery and forms of provision / Tony Cline and Norah Frederickson -- Categories of special educational needs / Brahm Norwich -- The disproportionate placement of ethnic minorities in special education / Beth Harry -- A sociological perspective on special education / Sheila Riddell -- Social justice in education for students with disabilities / David J. Connor -- Disability rights in education / Marcia Rioux -- Inclusive education : from targeting groups and schools to achieving quality education as the core of EFA / Renato Opertti, Zachary Walker and Yi Zhang -- From special education to effective schools for all : widening the agenda / Mel Ainscow -- Sui ban jiu du : an approach toward inclusive education in China / Chungling Liu and Xueyun Su -- Entry, engagement, and empowerment : dilemmas for inclusive education in an Indian context / Nidhi Singal -- Inclusive schooling as an apprenticeship in democracy? / Roger Slee -- Equity in inclusive education : a cultural historical comparative perspective / Elizabeth Kozleski, Alfredo Artiles and Federico Waitoller -- How special needs funding can support inclusive education / Sip Jan Pijl -- Epistemology and special education / Gary Thomas -- Persistent issues in behavioral theory and practice / John W. Maag -- Sociocultural views of learning / J.S. de Valenzuela -- Educational neuroscience : bridging the gulf between basic research and implications for practice / Usha Goswami -- Comparative and international perspectives on special education / Justin J.W. Powell -- A disability studies frame for research approaches in special education / Douglas Biklen, Fernanda Orsati and Jessica Bacon -- The applied science of special education : quantitative approaches, the questions they address, and how they inform practice / Samuel L. Odom and Kathleen Lynne Lane -- Researching inclusive classroom practices : the framework for participation / Kristine Black-Hawkins -- Research and pupil voice / Jill Porter -- Using the capability approach to evaluate the well-being of adult learners with dis/abilities / Barbara Ridley and Michael F. Watts.
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Volume 2. Learning without limits : constructing a pedagogy free from determinist beliefs about ability / Susan Hart and Mary Jane Drummond -- Nothing special : the everyday pedagogy of teaching / Jonathan Rix and Kieron Sheehy -- Universal design for learning / David H. Rose, Jenna W. Gravel, and David T. Gordon -- Curriculum considerations in meeting the educational needs of learners with severe intellectual disabilties / Jean Ware -- Beyond categories and labels : knowledge to support assessment for learning : 'disability'--a problem well put? / Judith Hollenweger -- Assessment for learning and the journey towards inclusion / Louise Hayward -- Self-assessment as an 'insider' lens for learning and assessment / Roseanna Bourke and Mandia Mentis -- Dynamic assessment and cognitive intervention / Alex Kozulin -- Expanding approaches to summative assessment for students with impairment / J. Joy Cumming and Graham S. Maxwell -- Instructional and assessment accommodations in the 21st century / Martha L. Thurlow -- Teaching and learning in the early years / Susan A. Fowler, Michaelene M. Ostrosky and Tweety J. Yates -- Teaching elementary students with learning difficulties / Sharon Vaughn, Jeanne Wanzek and Carolyn A. Denton -- Secondary special education and inclusive practices : pitfalls and potential for the success of all / Lisa A. Dieker and Selma Powell -- Students with disabilities in postsecondary education / Robert Stodden and Kelly Roberts -- Teacher assistants in inclusive classrooms / Michael F. Giangreco, Mary Beth Doyle and Jesse C. Suter -- Assistive technology to provide access to the curriculum and increase independence / Amy G. Dell and Deborah A. Newton -- Mobile learning and games in special education / Penny Standen and David Brown -- The evolving use of technology in special education : is 'effectiveness' the right question? / John Woodward and Ralph Ferretti -- Friendships and peer relations among and between children and young people with and without learning difficulties and/or disabilities / Dawn B. Male -- Finding a voice : families' roles in schools / Dianne L. Ferguson, Amy N. Hanreddy and Philip M. Ferguson -- Inter-agency working and special education : beyond 'virtuous' ideas of partnership towards alternative frameworks for collaborative work with children / Liz Todd -- Education without condecension : philosophy, personhood and cognitive disability / Ruth Cigman -- Challenging orthodoxy in special education : on longstanding debates and philosophical divides revisited / Deborah J. Gallagher -- What do classroom teachers need to know about meeting special educational needs? / Ruth Kershner -- The professional knowledge of inclusive special educators / Kari Nes -- Inquiry and community : uncommon opportunities to enrich professional development for inclusion / Marleen C. Pugach and Linda P. Blanton -- Changing perspectives of special education in the evolving context of standards-based reforms in the US and England / Margaret J. McLaughlin and Alan Dyson -- Medicalization in schools / Valerie Harwood and Samantha.
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This set provides a comprehensive overview of special education, offering a wide range of views on key issues from all over the world. The contributors bring together up-to-date theory, research and innovations in practice, with an emphasis on future directions for the role of special education in a global context of inclusion.