Basic problems concerning the computer simulation of liquid metals in usual and extreme conditions with the use of interparticle potentials, mainly multi-particle potentials of the embedded atom model are considered in the book. The general questions of a structure of simple liquids, and the methods of simulation of non-crystalline systems (liquid and amorphous) - a method of molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, quantum-mechanical modeling, et cetera The types of interparticle potentials applied, the analysis of atomistic models, topological characteristics of liquids, and the results of modeling one-component and binary systems with the use of the simplest interparticle potentials are considered. In the final chapters of the book, specific problems with respect to liquid metals are considered. Here, the problems of the structure and conditions in the center of the Earth, Moon and Jupiter satellites, calculations of shock adiabats, and the isotopic effect of diffusion are covered. The assessments of structure and temperature in the inner and outer cores of the Earth are given. Calculations of a series of shock adiabats for the initially porous or liquid metal samples are carried out, and questions of accuracy concerning the available experimental data are analyzed. Also, some non-classical mechanisms of liquid solidification, in particular, the cluster mechanism of solidification during strong overcooling, are discussed. The possibility to compare the applicability of the Second Law of Thermodynamics in its usual form to the melting/solidification of nanoclusters is discussed.--