Introduction: the key role played by wolves in community ecology and wildlife management / Marco Musiani, Luigi Boitani and Paul C. Paquet -- Recent advances in the population genetics of wolf-like canids / Robert K. Wayne -- What, if anything, is a wolf? / Raymond Coppinger, Lee Spector and Lynn Miller -- Wolf community ecology: ecosystem effects of recovering wolves in Banff and Yellowstone National Parks / Mark Hebblewhite and Doug W. Smith -- Will the future of wolves and moose always differ from our sense of their past? / John A. Vucetich, Rolf O. Peterson and M.P. Nelson -- Influence of anthropogenically modified snow conditions on wolf predatory behaviour / Paul C. Paquet [and others] -- The recolonizing Scandinavian wolf population: research and management in two countries / Olof Liberg [and others] -- Synthesizing wolf ecology and management in Eastern Europe: similarities and contrasts with North America / Włodzimierz Je̜drzejewski [and others] -- Wolf ecology and management in northern Canada: perspectives from a snowmobile wolf hunt / H. Dean Cluff [and others] -- Livestock husbandry practices reduce wolf depredation risk in Alberta, Canada / Tyler Muhly [and others].
Text of Note
"The grey wolf is one of the world's most polarizing and charismatic species. Respected, adored, or held in awe by many as an icon of wilderness, wolves have also sparked fear and hatred when they have come into conflict with human presence. Wolves play a key ecological role by interacting with various prey species, which in turn influence other animal species and plants in the ecosystem. Not surprisingly, they are one of the most intensively studied mammalian speicies in the wild." "The World offers a fresh and provocative look at current trends in wolf ecology and ecosystem management and conservation, Representative case studies, from geographically and culturally diverse areas of the world, highlight the existing interconnections between wolves, their prey, their habitat, their ecosystems and people, and the role of science in wolf management and conservation. In addition, the studies involve many issues, for example genetics and hybridization of canids, wolf and prey dynamics and wolf depredation of livestock, that are entry points into larger aspects of ecology, evolution and conservation. This book will appeal to conservationists, scientists, wild life managers, and anyone seeking a better understanding of wolves and ecosystems, and of their co-existence with us." "Contributors include recognized scientists and other wolf experts who introduce new and sometimes controversial findings. The World of Wolves included colour photographs of wild wolves by Peter A. Dettling, David C. Olson, and Robert J. Weselmann, and drawings by wildlife artist Susan Shimeld."--Jacket.