Intro; Preface; Contents; Contributors; Part I: Introduction; Chapter 1: Epidemiology and Historical Drug Use Patterns; Introduction; Adolescent Substance Use Surveys; Epidemiology and Historical Patterns of Substance Use; Alcohol; Marijuana; Nicotine; Opioids; Other Substances; Conclusion; Take-Home Points; References; Chapter 2: Developmental Perspectives and Risk Factors for Substance Use; Adolescent Development; Brain Development; Social Development; Developmental Vulnerabilities to the Impact of Substances; Risk and Protective Factors
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Addressing Substance Use as Part of Routine Health CareSummary; Take-Home Points; References; Chapter 3: Screening for Substance Use and Associated Medical Conditions; Introduction; Substance Use Along a Continuum; Substance Use Disorders; Confidentiality and Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT); Confidentiality; Screening; CRAFFT; S2BI; Brief Intervention (Fig. 3.3); Referral to Treatment; Modalities for Screening and Brief Intervention; Additional Health Screening; Take-Home Points; References; Part II: Treatment
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Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA)Theoretical Underpinnings of A-CRA; Procedures; Conclusion; Take-Home Points; References; Chapter 7: Medications for Substance Use and Relapse Prevention; Introduction; Significance of Developmental Differences in SUD Interventions for Youth; Categories of Pharmacological Treatments; Medications to Treat Acute Withdrawal Syndromes; Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome; Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome; Medications for Maintenance SUD Treatment; Opioid Use Disorder Pharmacotherapies; Methadone; Buprenorphine; Naltrexone
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Chapter 4: How to Navigate Different Levels of CareIntroduction; Assessment for Appropriate Treatment; General Principles of Treatment; Levels of Care; Early Intervention; Outpatient Services; Intensive Outpatient/Partial Hospitalization; Residential Inpatient Services; Medically Managed, Intensive Inpatient Treatment; Facilitating Referrals; Navigating Insurance Coverage; Locating Providers; Take-Home Points; References; Recommended Reading; Chapter 5: Co-occurring Mental Health Disorders; Introduction; Epidemiology; Major Depressive Disorder; Anxiety Disorders; Bipolar Disorder; Psychosis
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Disruptive Behavior Disorders and ADHDAssessment; Treatment of Co-occurring Psychiatric Disorders; Behavioral Treatments; Pharmacological Treatments; Conclusions; Take-Home Points; References; Recommended Reading; Chapter 6: Behavioral Interventions for Substance Use and Relapse Prevention; Behavioral Interventions for Substance Use and Relapse Prevention; Behavioral Interventions for Substance Use; Family Therapy; Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT); Contingency Management (CM); 12-Step Programs; Relapse Prevention
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Clinicians are now facing new substance use-related challenges such as the opioid crisis, a changing political landscape regarding marijuana, and the emergence of new delivery devices such as e-cigarettes. Unfortunately, it is more critical than ever that clinicians caring for adolescents have a proficiency in treating substance use. This book is a comprehensive clinical guide that discusses the prevalence of substance use among adolescents and young adults, as well as prevention strategies, available screening methods, practical treatment applications and their outcomes. Using a multidisciplinary approach with inclusion of authors from diverse clinical backgrounds, this definitive guide provides the best practices for treating adolescent substance use disorders from medical, behavioral, and social standpoints. Supplemented with case examples and written by experts in the field, Treating Adolescent Substance Use appeals to all clinicians that treat adolescent patients.