Intro; Organization; Program Chairs; Contents; About the Editors; Introduction; References; Part I The Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE) Program; The EDGE Program: 20 Years and Counting; 1 EDGE: A Multi-Faceted Mentoring Program; 2 EDGE Summer Session: A Program That Makes a Difference; 3 EDGE Women Become Mathematicians and Leaders; 3.1 Diverse Careers of EDGE Alumnae; 4 Recognition of Excellence; 5 Planning for the Future of EDGE; References; EDGE Through the Years
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6 Public Awareness of Mathematics or Increasing Diversity in Mathematics7 Other; Difficult Dialogues in the Midwest: A Retrospective on the Impact of EDGE at Purdue University; 1 Introduction; 2 Reflections from Edray Goins and Alejandra Alvarado, Local Organizers; 3 Reflections from Donatella Danielli, Mentoring Leader; 4 Reflections from Rachel Davis, Short Course Instructor; 5 Reflections from Zenephia Evans, ``Difficult Dialogues'' Leader; 6 Concluding Remarks from Edray and Alejandra; References; The Long-Lasting Impact of EDGE: Testimonials from the EDGE Community
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8 The Impact of EDGE on Its Participants After the Summer Program9 A New Era Begins When an EDGEr Becomes a Co-Director; 10 EDGE's Contributions to the Mathematics Community; 11 EDGE's Impact on Its Co-Founders and Co-Directors; Second-Generation Programs: The Far-Reaching Impact of EDGE; 1 Activities for Girls (K-12); 2 Seminars/Classroom Activities/Research Opportunities/Conferences for Undergraduates; 3 Conferences and Programs for Graduate Students and Professional Mathematicians; 4 Organization of Research Sessions at National Meetings; 5 Establishing Networks
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Part II Mathematics Inclusivity and Outreach WorkAcademic Preparation for Business, Industry, and Government Positions; 1 Introduction; 2 Programs Supporting Interest in Business, Industry, or Government Positions; 3 Preparing Students for Careers in Business, Industry, or Government; 4 Advice for Mathematicians Interested in Careers in Business, Industry, or Government; References; Striking the Right Chord: Math Circles Promote (Joyous) Professional Growth; 1 Introduction; 1.1 What Is a Math Circle?; 1.2 The Authors: Our Backgrounds and Motivation; 2 Promoting Active Learning
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Twenty Years of Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education from the Perspectives of Five Dynamic Women Who Have Led the Program1 In the Early Years a Partnership is Born: Sylvia Bozeman and Rhonda Hughes; 2 The Development of the EDGE Program: Key Ingredients for Success; 3 The Early Years of the EDGE Program; 4 The "Baltimore 10" Help the Co-Founders Make Key Decisions on the Future of EDGE; 5 Who are the EDGE Co-Founders?; 6 The Glue: Ulrica and Ami, Intentional Choices and Long-Term Commitment; 7 Transition in Power: Passing the Torch to Ami and Ulrica
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The Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE) Program began twenty years ago to provide support for women entering doctoral programs in the mathematical sciences. With a steadfast commitment to diversity among participants, faculty, and staff, EDGE initially alternated between Bryn Mawr and Spelman Colleges. In later years, EDGE has been hosted on campuses around the nation and expanded to offer support for women throughout their graduate school and professional careers. The refereed papers in A Celebration of the EDGE Program's Impact on the Mathematics Community and Beyond range from short memoirs, to pedagogical studies, to current mathematics research. All papers are written by former EDGE participants, mentors, instructors, directors, and others connected to EDGE. Together, these papers offer compelling testimony that EDGE has produced a diverse new generation of leaders in the mathematics community. This volume contains technical and non-technical works, and it is intended for a far-reaching audience, including mathematicians, mathematics teachers, diversity officers, university administrators, government employees writing educational or science policy, and mathematics students at the high school, college, and graduate levels. By highlighting the scope of the work done by those supported by EDGE, the volume offers strong evidence of the American Mathematical Society's recognition that EDGE is "a program that makes a difference." This volume offers unique testimony that a 20-year old summer program has expanded its reach beyond the summer experience to produce a diverse new generation of women leaders, nearly half of whom are underrepresented women. While some books with a women-in-math theme focus only on one topic such as research or work-life balance, this book's broad scope includes papers on mathematics research, teaching, outreach, and career paths.
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A Celebration of the EDGE Program's Impact on the Mathematics Community and Beyond.