Nursing adolescents and young adults with cancer :
General Material Designation
Other Title Information
developing knowledge, competence and best practice /
First Statement of Responsibility
Pia Riis Olsen, Sam Smith, editors.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Cham, Switzerland :
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Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
1 online resource
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Intro; Foreword; Contents; Contributors; 1: Introduction: Beyond No Man's Land: The Development of AYA Cancer Nursing; 1.1 The Adolescent and Young Adult Patient; 1.2 The AYA with Cancer; 1.3 AYA Cancer Nursing; References; Part I: History of the Speciality and AYA Nursing Competence Development; 2: The Development of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Nursing: The UK Experience; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Adult and Paediatric Cancer Care; 2.3 Drivers for Change; 2.3.1 Political Drivers; 2.3.2 Centralising Services; 2.3.3 Charities; 2.4 Nursing; 2.4.1 Unique Service Development in the UK.
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2.4.2 Experience of Nurse Leaders in the Late 1990s2.4.3 Nurses Developing AYA Units: 1990s; 2.4.4 Nurses Building Teams; 2.4.5 Nurses Developing Networks; 2.4.6 Nurses as Champions and Leaders; 2.5 Present Day; 2.5.1 Vital Roles for Nursing AYA Patients; 2.6 Patient Voice; 2.6.1 What Matters to Young People?; 2.6.2 Attitudes of Nurses: What Matters When Caring for Young People?; 2.7 Challenges of Developing Services; 2.7.1 Professional Ownership and Challenges; 2.7.2 Change to Practice; 2.8 Skill Development; 2.8.1 Skills Required; 2.8.2 Learning the Skills.
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2.9 AYA Nurses Are Not Everywhere: Global Picture2.10 The Future; 2.11 AYA Care Beyond Cancer; References; 3: A Personal Reflection of My Leadership Journey in AYA Nursing; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Earliest Nursing Memories; 3.3 AYAs with Cancer: My First Experience; 3.4 Making Change Happen; 3.5 New Ventures; 3.6 The Power of Change and Challenge; 3.7 The Importance of Networking; 3.8 The Power of Social Media in Leadership; 3.9 Moving Forward; 3.10 A Final Word; References; 4: Educating and Developing AYA Cancer Nurses; 4.1 Introduction.
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4.16.1 Learning from Young People4.17 Professional Learning; 4.18 Spaced Learning; References; 5: Exploring Professional Boundaries in AYA Nursing Care; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Nursing: The Art of Caring; 5.3 Professional Boundaries: Providing a Definition; 5.4 The Nurse/AYA Relationship: A Balance to Be Achieved; 5.5 Professional Boundaries for AYA Nurses; 5.6 Professional Boundaries and Social Media; References; Part II: Approaches, Interventions and Innovations in AYA Cancer Nursing; 6: Communication with Young People with Cancer About Sensitive Topics; 6.1 Introduction.
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4.2 Principles of AYA Cancer Nursing Practice4.3 AYA Cancer Nursing Frameworks; 4.4 Developing AYA Cancer Competence; 4.5 Learning Within Multi-professional Teams; 4.6 Nursing Progression in AYA Cancer; 4.7 Professional and Practice Development; 4.8 Reflecting on AYA Nursing Care; 4.9 Reflection and Learning with Others; 4.10 Schwartz Rounds; 4.11 Forums, Professional Groups and Networking; 4.12 Professional AYA Cancer Groups; 4.13 International AYA Cancer Developments; 4.14 Non-cancer Forums; 4.15 Connecting and Learning Through the Digital World; 4.16 e-Learning in AYA Cancer.
Text of Note
This book describes and explains how caring for adolescents and young adults with cancer (AYA) has developed into what is now a recognized and distinct field of nursing practice. It captures current innovative nursing practices and interventions which have developed over the past 25 years across the globe and are supported by research and evidence achieved in many European and international oncology settings. By outlining and describing educational needs of the AYA cancer nursing profession, this book supports its education and professional development for the nursing profession and serves to develop and disseminate nurses' competencies worldwide. During the last decade, AYA have gained increased attention in healthcare. Today, it is recognized that AYA with cancer have distinct needs that are different to both children and older adults. Young people are in a unique developmental and transitional phase of their lives; thus, their treatment, perspectives and experiences have been addressed in research and the body of knowledge is growing accordingly. Some books are available that describe AYA cancer care, service delivery and aspects of age appropriate care but this volume will be the first to focus on how nurses contribute to AYA cancer care in practice. It will appeal to the AYA clinical nurses in cancer care, as well as to multidisciplinary healthcare professionals and healthcare professionals who support formal nursing education programmes, training and development in practice.