Intro; Contents; Contributors; Abbreviations; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1 Introduction to Determinants of Economic Growth in Africa and Summary of the Contributions; 1 Background and Motivation; 2 Summary of Individual Studies on Economic Growth in Africa; 2.1 Part I: Financing Growth; 2.2 Part II: Sources of Productivity Growth; 2.3 Part III: Macroeconomic Determinants of Growth; 3 Result Divergence and Growth Controversy; 4 Final Words and Recommendations; References; Part I Financing Growth; 2 The FDI and Economic Growth Controversy in Sub-Saharan Africa; 1 Introduction.
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2 Literature Review3 Methodology; 4 Data Sources and a Description of Variables; 5 Model Estimation and Discussion of Findings; 5.1 Descriptive Statistics; 5.2 Estimation Results of the Econometric Model; 5.3 Robustness Check of the Base Specification; 6 Conclusion and Policy Implications; 6.1 Conclusion; 6.2 Policy Implications; References; 3 Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows to Africa; 1 Introduction; 2 Determinants of FDI Flows: The Theory; 3 Determinants of FDI Flows to Africa: Recent Evidence; 4 A New Analytical Country Classification.
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4.1 Descriptive Statistics of Variables4.2 Results of Diagnostic Tests; 4.3 Estimation Results of the Difference GMM; 5 Summary and Conclusion; References; 5 The Role of Remittances, FDI and Foreign Aid in Economic Growth in Low and Middle Income African Countries; 1 Introduction; 2 The Theoretical Framework; 3 Data and Estimation Methodology; 4 Empirical Findings; 4.1 Description of the Data; 4.2 FDI, ODA, Migrant Remittances and Economic Growth; 4.3 FDI and Economic Growth; 4.4 Official Development Assistance and Economic Growth; 4.5 Migrant Remittances and Economic Growth.
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5 Summary, Conclusion and Policy ImplicationsAppendix; References; 6 The Role of Financial Development and Institutional Quality in Economic Growth in Africa in the Era of Globalization; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Review; 2.1 Theoretical Review; 2.2 Empirical Literature; 3 Data Description and Methodology; 3.1 Data Source and Descriptive Statistics; 3.1.1 Dependent Variable; 3.1.2 Independent Variables; 3.2 Theory and Model Specifications; 3.3 Econometric Methodology; 3.3.1 Cross-Sectional Dependency Test; 3.3.2 Panel Unit Root Test; 3.3.3 Panel Co-integration Test.
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5 The Empirical Methodology and Findings of the Study5.1 The Econometric Approach and Definition of Variables; 5.2 Findings of the Study; 6 Conclusion; Appendix; References; 4 Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in Eastern Africa; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Review; 2.1 Evolution of FDI and Role of Institutional Quality in Attracting It; 3 Data and Methodology; 3.1 Types and Source of Data; 3.2 Population and Sample; 3.3 Model Specification; 3.4 Estimation Technique; 3.5 Diagnostic Tests; 3.6 Definition of the Variables; 4 Results and Discussion.
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This volume is a collection of selected empirical studies on determinants of economic growth in Africa. Grouped into three parts, chapters examine the influence of financial sources and economic growth; sources of productivity growth; and prices, exchange rates and trade relationships with growth in regions in Africa or the continent as a whole. This edited book is authored by African experts in the field who employ diverse up-to-date data and methods to provide robust empirical results based on representative firms, household surveys and secondary country level data covering individuals or multiple countries on the continent. It contains a wealth of empirical evidence, deep analyses and sound recommendations for policymakers and researchers for designing and implementing effective social and national policies and strategies to prevent and to reduce poverty and its negative effects on poor households and in poor regions. The volume will be a useful resource for policymakers and researchers involved in promoting economic growth and fighting poverty. It will also appeal to a broader audience interested in economic development, resource economics, policies, economic welfare and inclusive growth.--